3494 Excertlons. January JH. W:lIj. PROCLAMA TIONS~ 1936. under the terms and provisions of the bond to the same extent as if no extension were granted, or furnish an additional bond with acceptable sureties to cover the period of extension: .And proz)ided jU7ther, that the extensions of one year h£'rein authorized shall not 8,pply to any wools or hair of the camel imported or withdrawn from bonded warehouse under bond during the calendar years 1930, 19:31, and 1932, on which the one-year period of extension authorized in the aforesaid proclamntion of January 7, 1935, has expired, or to any wools or hair of the camel imported or withdrawn from bonded ware- house under bond during the calendar year 1933 on which the three- year period prescribed in paragraph 1101 of the Tariff Act of 1930 has expired. IN 'WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the City of 'Vashington this IStb day of January in the yenr of our J..Jord ninf't£'cn hundred and t.hirty-six and of [SEAl,] the Independence of the rnited States of Americn the one hundred and sixtieth. FRAXKLIN D HOOSEVELT By the President: CORDELL thiLL Secretary oj Statf). [ ,\T <)1 --] . 'in. _
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EXTENDING THE PERIOD F'OH EXPOHTATION 01<' ~h;n(;IIANDL;;E FOR DnAWBACK PUUPOSES BY TIU': PRESIDENT OF THE UXI1'ED STATES OF AMEHlCA A PROCLAl\L\'TIO~ Exportation or mer- WHE.REAS section 318 of the Tariff Act of H);30 (40 Stnt. GOG) chandi.<;e. provides: , Statutory authoriza· "'Vhenevcr the President shall by proclamation dceluro ::11 ('mer- tio~~I. 46, p. 696 . gency to exist by reason of u. stnte of Will', or otherwise, he mnv authorize the Secretary of the Trensury to extend during the ('ontiutl- tUlCe of such emergency the time herein prcseribed for the performance ofanyact * * *"; Vo1.4fl ,JI.694. AND 'VlIEREAS section 313(h) of the Turiff Act of IU:30 (4() Stat. 694) provides: "No drawback shall be Illlowed under the provisions of this section or of sertion 6 of the Act eutiLled 'An Act tt'11 1porurily to provide revenue for the Philippine Islnnds, and for otlwr purposes,' approved March 8, 1902 (relatmg to drawback on shipnl<'nts to the Philippine Islands), unless the completed article is exported, or shipped to the Philippine Islands, within three years after importation of the imported merchandise": Emorgen(:ydeclared. NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, Presi- dent of the United States of Americn, acting under and by virtue of the authoIi~ vested in me by the foregoing provision of section 318 of the Tariff Act of 1930, do by this proclamation declare an emer- gency to exist. Tim!' extended !In And I do hereby authorize the Secretary of the Treasury:
- than~iaep~fu~:;E.; (1) In the case of articles manufactured or produced in the United
Islands. States with the use of imported or substituted merchandise for draw- back purposes where the imported merchandise involved was imported