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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1483

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PROCLAlIATIONS, 1936. on or after June 18, 1930, and on or before December 31, 1930, to ext(,IHI the l)('riod for exportation, or shipment to the Philippine Islands, of the completed arti('le fol' not more than one year from and nftpl' til(' ('xpirntion of the thl'('c-yt.'Hr period prescrihed in section

31;~ (h) of the Tnrin: Act of 1g30, as extended for two years under the

ftuthol'ity of Proclnmntion .r\o. ~02:~, dated December 23, 1932, and further extended for one year under the authority of Proclamation No. 2121, dated April 1, lU35. (2) In the cnse of articles manufactured or produced in the United States with the use of imported or substituted merchandise for d,:l)w- back purposes where the imported merchandise involved was imported during the calendar year 1ga 1, to extend the period for exportation, or shipment to the l'hilippine Islands, of the completed article for 110t more than one year from and after the expiration of the three-yen I' 3495 Yol. 4 '\ p. 6114. YoJ. 47 , p. 2548. Ante, p. 3442 . Imports during 1931. period pres(~ribed in the snid sedion 313(h), as extend('d for one year y"ur., p. W4. under the authority of Proc1nJllation No. 2069, dated December 30, Yol. 4~, p. mrL dh dI d h . AIUt,lJ· 3t4:t. 1933, an furt er exten e< for one year un er the aut ontyof J'rocla- . mation No. 2121, dated April 1, 19a5. (3) In the cuse of articles manufactured or produced in the United States with the use of imported or substituted merchandise for draw- back PUl'pos('s where the imported merchandise involved wllsimported during the calendar year 1932, to extend the period for exportation, or shipmcnt to the I>hilippine Islands, of the cOlll,Pleted article for not more than onn Y(lar from awl after the expiratIOn of the three-year period prescribed in the said section 313(h), as extended for one yt'dr under the authority of ProclamatioIl No. 2121, dated April 1, 1935. (4) In the case of articles manufactured or produced III the United States with the use of imported or substituted merchandise for draw- back purposes where the imported merchandise involved was imported during the calendar year H.J33, to extend the period for exportation, or shipment to the Philippine Islands, of the completed article for not more thnn one year from and after the expirution of the three-year period prt~scribed in the said section 313(11). Prorided, ItOU'el)er, that the extensions of one year hercin uuthorized shall not apply in any case involving merchandise imported in 19:H or 1932 where the one-year period of extension authorized in the suid Proc1aB1ution of April 1, 1935, has expired, or in any case involving merchandise imported in 1933 where the three-year period prescribed in section 313(h) of the Tariff Act of 1930 hus expired. IN WIT~ESS WHEUEOF I have hereunto set my hund and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE nt the City of Washington this IStb day of Jllnuary in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty-six and of [SEAL] the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and sixtieth. Bv the President: • CORDELL I I tILL Serretary oj State. FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT •,. .») -f'] [.\0 . _


1>uring 1932. ])uring IU3a. }'rflt'i,'w. E x('('pt ions.