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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1487

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1936. "'Vhen in the judgment of the President the conditions which have caused him to issue his proclamation have ceased to exist he shall revoke the same and the provisions hereof shall thereupon cease to apply. "Exeept with respect to prosecutions committed or forfeitures incurn·d prior to .March 1, 1936, this section and all prodamations issued thereunder shall not be efiective after .February 29, 19:36." 3499 AN D 'VHEHEA~ section 1 of a joint resolution of Congress extend- A7I/p, p. 1152. ing awl amending the joint resolution approved August 31, 143;', which WUA upprovcd Februar;{ 2!}, In:W, provides as follows: "Resolved by the Nellflie and liow·;e of Rtpre8entatire.'J oj the Dnited St((t(:.~ of .i1mr-rim ,in COT/fiNS., ; u'<:,'wmblu/, That section 1 of the joint resolution (Public Resolution Numbered 67, Seventy-fourth Congress) approved August 31, 193.5, be, and the same hereby is, amended by striking out .in the first section, on the second line, after the word 'assembled' the following words: 'That upon the outbreak or during the pro~ress of war between', and inserting therefor the words: ~h('never the Presid(>nt shull fiucl thut there exists a state of war between'; and by striking out the word 'may' after the word 'Presi- dent' ond lwfore the word 'from' in the twelfth line, and inserting in lien tl1er('of the word 'l'II311'; and by f";ubstitnting for the last paragraph of said section the following pamgraph: 'except with respect to offenses ('ommitt(>(l, or f()rf('it!\l'('~ incurred prior to May 1, 1937, this section and all proclamations issued thereunder shull not be effective after May 1, 1937.' " AND WHEREAS my proclamation of October 5, 1935, issued AfUt, p.3474, pursuant to section 1 of the joint resolution npproved August 31, 1935, declared that a state of wnr unhappily existed between Ethiopia and the Kingdom of Italy. NOW THEREFOHE I FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT Presi- Continue'\ ex/,tence , ." " • .' t (or ~Iall' or wnr hetween dent of the Ulllted States of Amerwa, actmg und('r and by vIrtue of Et~,i()Jliuand Italy pro· the authority conferred on me hy the said joint re!.;ollltion as amended d:T(:.~,~:li,. :lr.27. by the joint resolution of Congress approved }~ebruary 29, 1936, do hereby proclaim that It state of wur unhappily continues to exist between Ethiopia and the Kingdom of Italy; and I do hereby admon- 1};:)~I:j~~rTarmstroBot (talk) 18:10, 19 November 2014 (UTC)lIls. etc. , ish all citizens of the United States or any of its possessions and all ' .. Jwr:o;ons rC8!ding or being within the territory or jurisdiction of the United States or its possessions to abstain from every vioJntion of the provisions of the joint resolution aboye set forth, hereby made (,fl'ective and applicable to the export of anns, ammunition, or imple- mentH of war from any place in t.he United States or its possessions to Ethiopia or to the Kingdom of Italy, or to any I talian possession, or to any neutral port for transshipment to, or for the use of, Ethiopia or the Kingdom of Italy. And I do hereby declare and proclaim that the artides listed below (':Itegories. shall be considered anns, ammunition, and implements of war for the purposes of section 1 of the said joint resolutIOn of Congress: Oategory I (I) Rifles and carbines using ammunition in l'X(,l'SS of ealihcr .22, and barrels for those weapons; (2) Ma('hine gUllS, automatic or autoloading rifles, and machine pistols using ammunition in excess of caliber .22, and barrels for thos~ weaponA; (3) Guns, howitzers, and mortars of all calibers, their mountings and barrels;