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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1488

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3500 PROCLAMATIONS~ 1936. (4) Ammunition in excess of caliber .22 for the arms enumerated under (1) and (2) above, and cartridge cases or bullets for such am- munition; filled and unfilled projectiles or forgings for such projectiles for the arms enumerated under (3) above; propellants with a web thick- ness of .015 inch or greater for the projectiles of the arms enumerated under (3) above; (5) Grenades, bombs, torpedoes and mines, filled or unfilled, and apparatus for their use or discharge; (6) Tanks, military armored vehicles, and armored trains. Oategory II Vessels of war of all kinds, including aircraft carriers and submarines. Oategory I I I (1) Aircraft, assembled or dismantled, both heavier and lighter than air, which are designed, adapted, and intended for aerial combat by the use of machine guns or of artillery or for the carrying and dropping of bombs, or which are equipped with, or which by reason of design or construction are prepared for, any of the appliances referred to in paragraph (2) below; (2) Aerial gun mounts and frames, bomb racks, torpedo carriers, and bomb or torpedo release mechanisms. Oategory IV (1) Revolvers and automatic pistols using ammunition in excess of caliber .22; (2) Ammunition in excess of caliber .2~ for the anns enumerated under (1) above, and cartridge cases or bullets for such ammunition. Oategory V (1) Aircraft, assembled or dismantled, both heavier find lighter than air, other than those included in Category III; (2) Propellers or air s('rews, fuselages, hulls, wings, tail units, and under-carriage units; (3) Aircraft engin('s, Of-sembled or unRssembled. Oategory VI (1) Livens projectors and flame throwers; (2) Mustard gas (dichlorethylsulphide), lewisite (chloroyinyldi- chlorarsine and dichlorodivinylchlorursine), ethyldichlorarsine, methyl- dichlora.rsine, ethyliodoacetate, brombenzylcyanide, diphenolchlor- arsine, and dyphenolcyanoarsine. Offieers to prevent And I do hereby enjoin upon all officers of the United States, violations. charged with the execution of the laws thereof, the utmost diligence in preventing violations of the said joint resolu6on, and this my proc- lamation issued thereunder, and in bringing to trial and punishment any offenders against the same. Reg;}lationsbySccre- And I do hereby delegate to the Secretary of State the power of tary d State. prescribing regulations for the enforcement of section 1 of the said joint resolution of August 31,1935, as amended by section 1 of the joint resolution of Congress approved February 29, 1936, and as made effective by this my proclamation issued thereunder. Formerproc!:uDI,tion And I do hereby revoke my proclamation of October 5, 1935, con- revo:<p.l. AIiU. p. 3474. cerning the export of arms, ammunition, and implements of war to Ethiopia and Italy, which was issued pursuant to the terms of section 1 f~':!~~iedl08~nalti€~, o! the joint resolution ?f CO.ngress approved August 31, 1935, p;o- etc. , n ot extiDb'Uished. vlded, however, that thIS actIOn shall not have the effect of releasmg or extinguishing any penalty, forfeiture or liability incurred under the aforesaid pr\)clamation of October 5, 1~35; and that the said proc- lamation shall be treated as remaining in force for the purpose of sustaining any proper action or prosecution for the enforcement of such penalty, forfeiture or liability.