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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1494

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3506 PROCLAMATIONS, 1936. JEFFERSON NATIONAL FOREST-VIRGINIA April 21. 1936. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE lJNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION National WHEREAS certain forest lands within the State of Virginia have letlerson Forest, Va. Preamble. Acquisition or land. Vol. 36, p. 002 . U.S.C., p.666. been or may hereafter be acquired by the United States of America under the authority of sections 6 and 7 of the act of March 1, 1911, eh. 186, ;,6 Stat. 961, as amended (U. S. C., Title 16, sees. 515 and 516); and WHEREAS it appears that the reservation as the Jefferson National :Forest of the said lands together 'with certain other lands heretofore forming parts of the George 'Washington National Forest and the Unaka National :Forest would be in the public interest: Establishment or. NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. ROOSJ.~VELT, Presi- ~~Is.~~.~j/TarmstroBot (talk): dent of the United States of America, under and by virtue of the power vested in me by section 24 of the act of March 3, 1891, ch. 561, 26 Stnt. 1095, 1103, as nmended (U. S. C ., Title 16, sec. 471), Vol. :JO,p .36; VoJ.36, the aet of June 4,1897, ch. 2, ;,0 Stat. 34 (U. S. C ., Title 16, sec. 473), P·t?s.C .,PP.657,666. and by seetion 11 of the said act of ~fnrch 1, 1911 (U. S. C., Title Dosignated areas 16, sec. 521), do proclaim that all the lands of the United States reserved. within the followin$-describe<i boundaries fire hereby reserved and set apart as the .Tellerson N ationull?ore~~t, itnd that all lands within the said boundaries which IIltly ll<'rellfter he acquired by the United States und('l' the said act of l\lur('h 1, lUll, flS amended, Rhall upon their acquisition be reserved and administered us part of said National Forest:

\10llDtain Lake Illvi.

] J/J.:':cril,tion. MOUNTAIN l ..AKE DIVISION (NoTE-All Routes mentioned herein are State roads unl('ss otherwi8e stated.) Beginning nt a point on the Allegheny Mountains nt the intersec- tion of U. S. Highway 60 with the Virginill-West Virginia Stnte Line; thence with the center line of said U. 8. Highwuy 60 in an eusterly direction to the junction with State Route 646; thence with Route 646 to the junetion with Route 251; thence in a southeasterly <liree- tion with Route 251 to the junction with Routn 644; thence with Route 644 to the junction WIth Route 612; thence with Ibute 612 to the intersection with Route 662 i thcw'e with Houte 662 to the junetion with Route 661; thence with Route 6(~1 to the junction with Route 611; thence with Route 611 to the intersection wit.h U. S. Highway 11; thence \..ith U. S. Highwuy 11 to the center of tho bridge over JUlIles River at Buchanan, VirgInia; thence up the c('nter of James River to the mouth of Shirkey's Mill Brandt; themm with Shirkey's l\1ill Branch, and with the old Shirkey Turnpike in n west- erly direction to the intersection with Route 621; thence with Route 621 to the intersection with Route 615 nenr Strom; thence with Houte 615 to the intersection with Route 682; thence with Route 682 to the intersection with Route 683; thence with Houte 683 to the inter- section with Route 12; thence with Route 12 to the inters('ction with Route 666; thence with Route 666 to the intersection with Route 606; thence northwesterly with Route 606 and 666 nine-tenths of a mile; thence with Route 666 to the intersection wit.h Route 600; thence with Route 600 to the junction with Route 114; thence with Route 114 and 600 to the point of divergence of Route 114 and Route 600 near Tinker; thence with Route 600 to the intersection with Route 114; thence with Route 1 H: to the junction with Route 311; thence with Routes 311 and 114 to the point of divergence;