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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1495

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1936. 3507 thence with Route 311 to the intersection with Route 624; thence Description-Contd with Route 624 to the junction with Route 649; thence with Route 649 to the intersection with Route 8 at Tom's Creek; thence down Tom's Creek to the intersection 'with Route 624; thence with Route 624 to the intersection with Route 652; thence with Route 652 crossing New River to Route 600; thence with Route 600 in a southerly direction to Back Creek; thence up Back Creek and down Bentley's Branch of Peak's Creek to Route 99; thence in an easterly directIon with Route 99 to the intersection with Route 640; thence with Route 640 to the intersection with Route 99; thence with Route 99 to the intersection with Route 100; thence with Route 100 to the junction with Route 101 at Draper; thence with Route 101 to the intersection with U. S. Highway 11; thence with U. S. Highway 11 to the center of the bridge over Reed Creek; thence with Reed Creek to the center of bridge on Route 121; thence with Route 121 to the intersection with Route 610; thence with Route 610 to the center.of bridge over Cove Creek; thence following Cove Creek to the center of bridge on Route 603; thence with Route 603 to the junction with Route 600; thence with Route 600 to the intersection "ith Route 659; thence with Route 659 to the junction with Route 661; thence with Route 661 to the junction "ith Route 600; thence with Route 600 to the intersection with Route 21; thence with Route 21 to the intersection with Route 90; thence "ith Route 90 to the intersection \\ith Route 680; thence "ith Route 680 to the intersection with Route 617; thence with Houte 617 up Black Lick Creek to Bear Creek and the Junction with Route 622; thence ",ith Route 622 to the junction "ith Route (;17; thence with Route 617 to the intersection with Route 88; thence with Route 88 to the intersection with Route 610; thence "ith Route 610 to the intersection with Route 620; thence ",ith Route 620 to the intersection "ith Houte 624; thence with Route 624 to the intersection with Route 618; thence "ith Route 618 to the intersection ",ith Routes 88 and 42; thence with Route 42 to the junction with Route 81 at Broad :Ford, Virginia; thence ",ith Route 81 to the intersection of Route 81 with Route. 6a3 at North Holston, Virginia; thence ",ith Route 6:33 to MacCrady'S Gap and the inter- section \\ith Route 613; thence ",ith Route 613 to the inter!'ection ",ith Houte 80; thence ",it1l Route 80 to the junction \\ith Route 689 in Hayter's Gap; thence ",ith Houte 689 to the junction "ith U. S. Highway 19; thence with U. S. Higllwny 19 to the jundion with Uoute 657; thence "ith Route 657 to the intersection ",ith Houte 656; thence with Route 656 to the junction "ith Route 80; thence "ith Route 80 to the junction with Route 603 ncar Elwnyt. Virginia; thenee ",ith Route 603 to the junction with Route 60!) at ~lidway, Virginia; thence with Route 609 to the intersection "ith Route 81 at Maiden Spring, Virginia; thence "ith Route 81 to the intersection with Route 604; thence with Route 604 to the intersection with Houte 602; thence ",ith Route 602 to the junction of Routes 602 and 601; thence ",ith Route 601 to the top of Clinch ~10untain; thence along the top of Clinch Mountain to Hutchinson Rock; thence along the divide be- tween Roaring Fork and Burke Garden to Chestnut Bridge; thence ",ith the Tazewell-Bland County line for appro~;mately 16 miles; thence leaving the county line approximately %mile south of Crah Tree Gap, and following the divide between 'YoU Creek and Burke Garden In a southwesterly direction approximately 2 miles to the intersection of Route 87 and Route 666 at Goses ~lill, Virginia; thence with Houte 87 to the junction ",ith Route 61 at Gratton P.O ., Virginia; thence with Route 61 to the intersection "ith U. S. Highway 19; thence with L. S. Highway 19 to the junction with Route 81;