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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1498

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April 28, 1936. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED 8TATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION Monongahela Na- WHEHEAS eertllin lands have been transferred from the Monon- tiona) Forest, W. Va. hIN' IF bl'hdbPI . f4 Preamb:e. ga e a atIOna orest, esta IS e y roc amatIOn 0 .t1.ugust 3, 45~~·~i.P' 1792; Vol. 1928, to the George Washington National Forest by Proclamation elt, p. 3513. of this date; and Vol. 36, p.1l62. u. s. c., p. 006. WHEREAS it is desired to include in and reserve as a part of the Monongahela National Forest certain lands within the State of West Virginia acquired by the United States for forestry purposes under sections 6 and 7 of the act of .March 1, 1911, 36 Stat. 961, 962, as amended (D. S. C., Title 16, secs. 515 and 516), and contained within the boundaries hereinafter described; and 'VHEREAS it appears that it would be in the public interest to redefine the boundaries of the MO!longahela National Forest: BOlmdariesmodff!.ed. NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, Presi- dent of the United States of America, under and by virtue of the power C~~::7.P.1l03; u. s . vested in me by section 24 0'£ ~,he act of March 3, 1891,26 Stat. 1095, VoJ.30 ,p .36;VoJ.36, 1103, as amended (U. S. C ., rltle 16, sec. 471), the act of June 4,1897, p·.r'~.C .• PP.657 ,66Il . ch, 2,.30 Stat. 36 (D. S. C ., Title 16, se~. 473), and by section ll.of Designated are:.s re - the saId act of March 1,1911 (U. S. C ., TItle 16, sec. 521), do proclaIm served. that all lands of the United States within the following-described boundaries shall be, and are hereby, included in, reserved as, and made a part of the Monongahela National Forest in the State of West Virginia, and that all lands within the said boundaries which may hereafter be acquired by the United States under tht said act of ~1arch 1, 1911, as amended, shall, upon their aequisition, be perma- nt'ntly reserved and administered as a part of the :Monongahela Descr!ptlon. National Forest: Beginning at the :Fairfnx Stone, a corner between l\Iaryland and West Virginia, at the southwest corner of the State of Maryland; thence with the Grnnt.- Tucker Count.y line to the Western l\Iarylund Hailroud; thence with the \Vestern l\Iaryland Railroad to Route 32 at Thomu~, ,\\T('st Virginia (nIl routes mentioned herein are Stnte routes unless otlH'rwise stated); thence with Uoute 32 to the corpora- tion line of Dnvis, 'Ve~t Virg-inia; thence with the corporation line of Dnvis in southerly and easterly directions to the intersection of the corporation line with Blackwater River; thence down Blackwater River to the mouth of a branch about one-half mile below Blackwater Falls; thence up branch to a point on line of tract 106; thence with tract 106, S 71 0 39' E, 14.39 chains to corner 63 thereof; thence con- tinuing with tract 106 to corner 1 of tract 135; thence with tract 135, S 89 0 58' E, 126.99 chains to corner 2; thenceS 03 0 00' E, 37.15 chains to Route 35; thence leaying tract 135 and with Route 35 to the inter- section with Route 37 at Cortland, 'Vest Virginia; thence with Uoute 37 to Blackwater River; thence up Blackwater River to the mouth of Yokum Run; thence up Yokum Run to point on line of tract 21; thence with tract 21, N 11 0 26' E, 3.21 dInins to corner 1; thence S 660 00' E, 259.47 chains to corner 1 of tract 38; thence with tract 38 to corner 1a of tract 21 ; thence with tract 21 to corner 4 of tract 319; thence with tract 319 to corner 6; thence leaving tract 319, S 73 0 00' E, to Jordan Run; thence down Jordan Run to the junction with the North Fork of the South Branch of the Potomac River; thence down the North Fork of the South Branch of the Potomac River to corner 31 of tract 194; thence with tract 194 to (orner 33; thence leaving tract 194, and down the North Fork of the South Branch of the