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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1497

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1936. Virginia-Tennessee State line in a northeasterly and westerly direc- tion to a point where the State line intersects the present forest boundary, between Sharps Branch and Rock House Run; thence in a northeasterly direction with the present N ationsl Forest boundary to the place of beginning. NATURAL BRIDGE DIVISIO~ Beginning at the junction of North River with James River approxi- mately 1 mile southeast of the Village of Glasgow, Rockbridge County, Virginia, a point on the present National :Forest boundary; thence in a southeasterly direction with James River to the mouth of Battery Creek; a point on the present National Forest boundary; thence with the present boundary to the junction of Routes 614 and 687 on Sheeps Creek; thence leaving the present boundary and due north to the Botetourt-Bedford County line, a point on the present National Forest boundary; thence with the present boundary to Route 622; thence with Route 622 to the Rocky Point Ferry on James River; thence with the east and south banks of the James River to the point of beginning; also that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being one-half mile north east of Sedalia Post Office, in Bedford County, Virginia, on the waters of Reed's Creek, a tribu- tary of the James River: Beginning at Corner 1, common to lands owned by H. K . Spinner, L. S. Hatcher and Fayette Long, a stump. hole at fence corner on East :Edge of State Route 122, at the intersection of said Route with State Route 640; Thence with State Route 122; Thence S. 21 ° 19' 'V., 4.29 ch. to point in center of road; Thence S. 30° 27' 'V., 6.50 ch. to point in center of road; Thence S. 23° 40' W., 4.30 ch. to point in center of road; Thence S. 15° 15' 'V., 4.59 ch. to Corner 2, a point in center of said State Houte 122. Thence N. 72° 06' W., 11.50 ch. to Corner 3; Thence N. 12° 41' 'V., 2.11 ch. to point in center of branch; Thence N. 38° 58' W., 3.29 ch. to point in center of branch; Thence N. 8° 08' "T., 3.09 ch. to point in center of branch; Thence N. 36° 01' 'V., 3.92 ch. to Corner 4. Thence N. 43° 52' E., 14.16 ch. to Corner 5; Thence N. 35° 30' E., 0.42 ch. to Corner 6. Thence S. 71° 34' E., 3.47 ch. to point in center of road; Thence S. 62° 18' E., lO.27 ch. to point in center of road; Thence S. 66° 07' E., 2.39 ch. to the point of beginning. IN WITNESS 'VHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the City of \Vashington this 21" day of April, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty-six and of [SEALl the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and si.xticth. By the President: CORDELL HULL Secretary oj State.


[1\0. 2165] 3509 Descciption-Contd. Natural Bridge DIvi- sion. Description.