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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1502

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3514 PROCLAMATIONS, 1936. Description-Contd. direction approximately 85 miles to the intersection of said State line with Straight Fork at approximately ~ of &. mile north of the village of Hardscrabble, Highland County, Virginia, a point on the present Monongahela National Forest Boundary; th~nce southwesterly with said Boundary approximately 11 miles to a point common to the present 1vfonongahela National Forest Boundary, the Monongahela Purchase Unit Boundary, State Route #5 and Back Creek; thence southwesterly with Back Creek approximately 16 miles to the inter- section of said creek with the Highland-Bath County line; thence with said county line in a southeasterly direction to the Cowpasture River, a point on the present boundary; thence with the present boundary in a general northeasterly direction approximately 120 miles to a point where the present boundary leaves Lost River; thence easterly with Lost River approximately 1 mile to the mouth of Trout Run and the hend of Cacapon River; thence with Cacapon RiYer to the corporate limits of Wardens'\ille; thence with south and easterly corporate limits of 'VRrdcnsville to Route #55; thence with Route #55 in a northeasterly direction approximately 1.8 miles to the intersection of Route #55 with the present boundary; thence with the present boundary in a general northeasterly, southeasterly, and southwesterly direction for approximately 30 miles to corner 4 of the St. Lukes Hospital tract #75 0-2; thence leaving present bound ary S. 6°00' W. %mile to corner 2 of tract 752, 8. point on the present boundary; thence with present boundary in a general southwesterly direction approximately 26 miles to Liberty Furnace; thence with Route #717 at l ..iberty Furnace in a southwesterly direction via Jerome, approximately 4}~ miles to a point where Route #717 inter- sects present boundary; thence with present boundary in a south- westerly direction approximatcJy 17 miles to the mouth of Sours Run on Runions Creek; thence leaving the present boundary and down Runions Creek to the mouth of Runions Creek on the North Fork Shenandoah River, a point in the pre~ent boundary; thence with the present boundary in an easterly and a southwesterly direc- tion direction 1 approximately 55 miles to the intersection of present boundary with the Augusta-Rockbridge County line; thence leaving the present boundary and with Augusta-Rockbridge County line in a southeasterly direction approximately 5 miles to a point where said county hne crosses Route #602 ncar Walkers Creek; thence southwesterly with Route #602 approximately 9 miles to tho junction of Route #602 with Route #501 (Warm Springs-Lexington Highway) at Rockbridge Baths in Rockbridge County; "hence with said Route

  1. 501 northwesterly approximately .9 mile to the junction with Route
  2. 623; thence with Route #623 in a southwesterly direction along the

base of Hog Back and Dale Mountain, approximately 10 miles to the junction of U. S. Highway #60; thence with said U. S. Highway #60 m a westerly direction via Clifton }"orge and Covington, Virginia, approximately 57 miles to the point of beginning. Massanutten Unit. MASSANUTTEN UNIT Description. Beginning at a concrete tank on top of hill over l\'iassanutt('n Caverns, approximately 6 miles southeast of Harrisonburg, Rocking- ham County, Virginia, a point on the pres('nt boundary; thence with the present boundary northeasterly approximately 35 miles to the North Fork of Shenandoah River, a point approximately 1.5 miles 1 So 111 original.