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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1503

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1936. 3515 southeast of Edinburg, Virginia; thence leaving the present boundary Description-Contd. and with the North Fork of Shenandoah River northeasterly and easterly approximately 3 miles to corner 2 of Town of Woodstock Tract "#410 (acquired) a point on the North Fork of Shenandoah River and the present boundary; thence with the present boundary northeasterly, easterly, and southwesterly approximately 30 miles to a small creek flowing into the South Fork of Shenandoah River a point on the present boundary approximately 3.2 miles north of Ben- tonville, Warren County, VirfPnia, and about 3.4 miles south~ast of Elizabeth Furnace; thence WIth said creek in an easterly direction approximately .02 mile to the south Fork of Shenandoah River; thence leaving the present boundary and up the South Fork of Shenandoah River in a southwesterly direction approximately 6 miles to where the said river meets the present boundary, a point approxi- mately 2 miles northwest of Bentonville; thence WIth the South Fork of Shenandoah River and the present boundary southwesterly approxi- mately 7 miles to a point approximately 1.8 miles west of Campton, Page County, Vir~nia; thence leaving the present boundary and up the South Fork of Shenandoah River for approximately 3 miles to a point where the said river meets the present boundarY; thence with the present boundary southwesterly approximately 12 ~miles to where the present boundary leaves Route #615, a point approximately 4 miles northwesterly of Luray, Virginia, thence leavmg the present boundary and with Route #615 in a southwesterly direction approxi- mately 3 miles to the intersection of Route #615 with U. S. HIghway

  1. 211; thence with U. S . Hi~hway #211 southwesterly, appro:ximately

1.5 miles to where U. S. HIghway #211 meets the pres('nt boundary; thence leaving U. S . Highway #211 and with the present boundary southwesterly and northwesterly to the place of beginning. NATURAL BRIDGE XaturalBrldge. Beginning at the junction of North River with James River, approx- J)esrription. imately 1 mile southeast of the Village of Glasgow, Rockhridge County, Virginia, a point on the present boundary; thence with tho present boundary in a northeasterly, easterly, and southwesterly direction to corner 2 of C. H . Foster Tract 16; thence leaving tho present boundary S. 8°00' E. approximately 3 miles to the junction of Route #647 with Route #649, approximately 1.7 miles west of Pedlar Mills; thence southeasterly WIth Route #649 approximately 4 miles to the end of said route on James River; thence in a north- westerly direction with .J ames River to the place of beginning. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this 28" day of April, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty-six and of the [SEAL1 Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and sixtieth. By the President: CORDELL H ULJ, Secretary (if State. FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT [Xo.2167]