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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/111

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For one hundred and fifty cords of wood for the dormitory, three hundred and seventy-five dollars.

For two farmers, one thousand dollars.

For two assistant farmers, six hundred dollars.

For two mechanics, twelve hundred dollars.

For carrying into effect the eighth article of said treaty, viz.

Expenses of a delegation of Indians.For the expenses of a delegation of twenty Indians, with an officer, three assistants, an interpreter, a guide with two assistants to explore the country, and for the purchase of horses, and other expenses incidental to the expedition, twelve thousand dollars.

For payment of such improvements as give additional value to the land ceded, twenty thousand dollars.

For payment for the church on the Cheboigan, nine hundred dollars.

For extinguishing the claim of certain half breeds, in lieu of reservations, according to the ninth article of said treaty, viz.

To Rix Robinson, in lieu of a section at thirty-six dollars per acre, twenty-three thousand and forty dollars.

To Leonard Slater, in trust for Chiminoaquat, one section at ten dollars per acre, six thousand four hundred dollars.

To John A. Drew, one and three quarter sections at four dollars per acre, four thousand four hundred and eighty dollars.

To Edward Biddle, one section at three dollars per acre, one thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars.

To John Holiday, five sections at one dollar twenty-five cents per acre, four thousand dollars.

To Eliza Cook, Sophia Biddle, and Mary Holiday, one section each, at two dollars and fifty cents per acre, four thousand eight hundred dollars.

To Augustin Hamelin, Jr. two sections at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, one thousand six hundred dollars.

To William Lusley, Joseph Daily, Joseph Trotier, and Henry A. Lenake, two sections each, at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, six thousand four hundred dollars.

To Luther Rice, Joseph Leframbois, Charles Butterfield, George Moran, Louis Moran, G. D. Williams, and Daniel Marsac, one section each, at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, five thousand six hundred dollars.

For payment to the chiefs on ratification of the treaty, according to the tenth article of the same, thirty thousand dollars.

For life annuity to two chiefs, provided for in the eleventh article of said treaty, one hundred and fifty dollars.

Treaty of Washington.For expenses attending the conclusion of the treaty at Washington, according to the twelfth article of the same, fifteen thousand four hundred and three dollars and twenty-five cents.

For transportation and other incidental expenses in executing said treaty, two thousand dollars.

Proviso.Provided, however, That no part of the above appropriations for carrying into effect the treaty with the Chippewas and Ottawas, shall be drawn from the Treasury except what may be necessary for the expenses of collecting and subsisting the Indians, and for the expenses of concluding the treaty, heretofore incurred, and to enable a commissioner to proceed to Michilimackinac for the purpose of examining the claims of the half breeds, until the assent of the said Indians shall be given to the change proposed by the resolution of the Senate. Arrangements may be made under the direction of the President for paying to the Indians the money and goods as soon as their assent to such change is given. But no responsibility in relation to such delivery shall be incurred by the United States previous thereto, nor shall the said commissioner enter upon his duties.