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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/112

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Chippewas.For carrying into effect the stipulations of the third article of the treaty concluded with the Swan creek, and Black river bands of the Chippewa nation, of the ninth May, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, viz:

For an advance in money on the ratification of the treaty, two thousand five hundred dollars.

For the purchase of goods, four thousand dollars.

Journeys to Washington.For expenses of the treaty, the journeys of the Indians to and from Washington, subsistence and other expenses, three thousand eight hundred and two dollars and sixty-seven cents.

For transportation and incidental expenses, one thousand dollars.

Pottawatamies.For carrying into effect the stipulations of the treaties concluded with certain bands of the Pottawatamie Indians of Indiana, in March, and April, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, viz:

For the payment of the sum stipulated in the second article of the treaty of the twenty-sixth March, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, with Mes-qua-back and his band, for a cession of land to the United States, two thousand five hundred and sixty dollars.

For payment of the sum stipulated in the third article of the treaty of the twenty-ninth March, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, with Wawkewa and his band, for a cession of land to the United States, two thousand five hundred and sixty dollars.

For payment of the sum stipulated in the second article of the treaty of eleventh april, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, with Aub-ba-naub-ba and his band, for a cession of land to the United States, eleven thousand five hundred and twenty dollars.

For payment of the sum stipulated in the second article of the treaty of twenty-second April, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, with Kee-waw-nee and his band, for a cession of land to the United States, six thousand four hundred dollars.

For payment of the sum stipulated in the second article of the treaty of twenty-second April, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, with Nas-waw-bee and his band, for a cession of land to the United States, one thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars.

For expenses attending the negotiation of the said treaties with the Pottawatamies, six hundred and thirty-six dollars and seventy-five cents.

To defray the expense of removing the Choctaw Indians residing in the State of Mississippi to the country provided for them, west of the Mississippi river, thirty thousand dollars.

Secretary of War to close account, &c.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to direct the account to be closed, upon the production of proper vouchers, for blankets delivered to the Cherokees by order of the commissioner.

Pension to Col. G. Morgan.
1836, ch. 71.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the pension allowed by an act of the present session of Congress to Colonel Gideon Morgan, shall be paid to him from the date of his disability, to the twenty-seventh of March, eighteen hundred and fourteen, agreeably to the fourteenth article of the said treaty with the Cherokees; and that the sum of eight thousand dollars be appropriated for that purpose.

Money not to be paid to hostile eastern Creeks.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That no part of the appropriation heretofore made, for the eastern Creeks, shall be paid to any Indians who have been engaged in hostilities against the United States, unless in such change of circumstances as may induce the President of the United States to direct the same to be paid. Provided, however, That the whole of the annuity due to the Seminole Indians and to the eastern Creeks may be paid to the friendly portion of those tribes respectively, unless otherwise directed by the President.

Money appropriated for removal of Winnebagoes, how to be expended.
1836, ch. 88.
Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the funds appropriated by the act of June fourteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, entitled