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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/114

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Kennebec arsenal, &c.stores; and for the purchase of twenty acres of land adjoining the Kennebec arsenal, Maine; and the purchase of land and enclosing the rear of the public ground with a brick wall and coping at the Frankford arsenal, Pennsylvania; and constructing a forging shop, one story high, seventy-five by forty feet, of brick, at the arsenal, Watertown, Massachusetts; and in the purchase of a steam-engine of eight horse power; and for the quarters of officers at Fort Monroe arsenal, four hundred thousand dollars.

Fort, &c. near Baltimore.For Fort McHenry, Redoubt Wood, and Covington Battery, near Baltimore, fifty thousand dollars.

Fort Monroe.For Fort Monroe, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

Fort Marion, &c.For the repairs of Fort Marion, and the sea-wall at St. Augustine, Florida, fifty thousand dollars.

Knapsacks, &c.
Act of 1836, ch. 44.
For knapsacks and camp equipage, authorized by the act approved nineteenth of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, for volunteers or militia, fifty-two thousand seven hundred and five dollars.

Accoutrements, &c.For accoutrements for the army, one hundred and two thousand three hundred and five dollars.

Purchase of sites, &c. in Arkansas, &c.
For the purchase of sites, and the construction of arsenals, for the deposite of arms in Arkansas, Missouri, and at Memphis, in Tennessee, forty-two thousand two hundred and fifty-six dollars. Provided, That the cost of such arsenal shall not exceed fourteen thousand dollars each.

Fire engines.For the purchase of twenty-eight fire engines, and the necessary apparatus, twenty-two thousand four hundred dollars.

Storehouses, Newport, Ken.For storehouses at Newport, Kentucky, one thousand five hundred dollars.

Purchase of land at St. Louis, Missouri.
For purchasing seven acres of land, including the site of the powder magazine attached to the arsenal at Saint Louis, Missouri, Provided the same shall be ascertained not to be on land of the United States, two thousand one hundred dollars.

Piazza, Augusta, Ga.For erecting a piazza in front of the building occupied as barracks by the troops at Augusta arsenal, Georgia, four hundred and fifty dollars.

Fort Jesup.For barracks, quarters, storehouses, hospital, stables, and materials for the same, at Fort Jesup, Louisiana, twenty-five thousand dollars.

Wharf at Fort Wolcott.For rebuilding the wharf, and materials for the same, at Fort Wolcott, Newport, Rhode Island, five hundred dollars.

Fort Monroe.For constructing a wood-yard, and a wood-yard wharf, and for materials for the same, at Fort Monroe, Virginia, one thousand dollars.

For Severn.For constructing a wharf, and for materials for the same, at Fort Severn, Maryland, one thousand dollars.

Fort Brady.For rebuilding and repairing barracks, quarters, hospital, store-houses, and materials for the same, at Fort Brady, Michigan Territory, five thousand dollars.

Fort Sullivan, &c.For the purchase of land adjoining Fort Sullivan, and the buildings thereon, three thousand seven hundred dollars.

For the following objects, in addition to former appropriations for the same:

Armory, Harper’s Ferry.For national armory at Harper’s Ferry, seventy-seven thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven dollars.

Armory at Springfield.For national armory at Springfield, forty-five thousand dollars.

Light artillery, &c.For the purchase or manufacture of light brass and iron field artillery, and for construction of field artillery carriages, caissons, and travelling forges, one hundred and thirty-seven thousand one hundred and ninety dollars.

Furnaces.For the construction of furnaces for hearing cannon balls, twelve thousand dollars.

President may make transfers of appropriations.
1820, ch. 52.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States is hereby authorized, under the restrictions of the act of the first of May, eighteen hundred and twenty, to make transfers from one head