Act of July 14, 1832, ch. 227.
Proviso.and thirty-eight, according to the importations of that year, as they would have been entitled to receive, if the act of the fourteenth of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, had gone into effect: Provided, That no officer shall receive, under this act, a greater annual salary or compensation than was paid to such officer for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two; and that in no case shall the compensation of any other officers, than collectors, naval officers, surveyors, and clerks, whether by salaries, fees, or otherwise, exceed the sum of fifteen hundred dollars each per annum; nor shall the union of any two or more of those officers in one person, entitle him to receive more than that sum per annum;Proviso. Provided, further, That the said collectors, naval officers, and surveyors, shall render an account quarterly to the Treasury, and the other officers herein named, or referred to, shall render an account quarterly to the respective collectors of the customs where they are employed, to be forwarded to the Treasury, of all the fees and emoluments whatever by them respectively received, and of all expenses incidental to their respective offices; which accounts shall be rendered on oath or affirmation, and shall be in such form, and supported by such proofs, to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, as will, in his judgment, best enforce the provisions of this section, and show its operation and effect;Proviso. Provided, also, That, in the event of any act being passed by Congress at the present session to regulate and fix sala[ries] or compensation of the respective officers of the customs, then this section shall operate and extend to the time such act goes into effect, and no longer:Proviso. Provided, however, That the Secretary of the Treasury be authorized to extend to the collectors at such other ports where a surplus of emoluments have been accounted for and paid into the Treasury, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-two, the privilege granted to the collector of New York, to take effect from the first day of January last:Proviso. Provided, nevertheless, That no collector shall receive more than four thousand dollars, and no naval officer shall receive more than three thousand dollars, and no surveyor shall receive more than twenty-five hundred dollars per annum.
Compensation of Topographer and clerks employed in Post Office Dep’t.
Act of 1837, ch. 33.
Compensation of clerks in office of Auditor of Post Office.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the sum of nine thousand two hundred dollars be appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the compensation of a Topographer and clerks employed in the Post Office Department, in conformity with the appropriation act of March third, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, and for one additional clerk to keep an appropriation account until the first of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine; and that he sum of ten thousand five hundred dollars be appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the compensation of clerks employed in the Auditor’s Office of the Treasury, for the Post Office Department, from the first of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, till the first of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine.
Appropriations.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby appropriated, out of any unappropriated money in the Treasury, viz.:
Documentary History of Am. Revolution.For the Documentary History of the Revolution, the amount heretofore appropriated to that object and carried to the surplus fund;
Mars Hill military road.For the Mars Hill military road, three hundred and sixty-four dollars and three cents, to enable the Treasury officers to close the account of Charles Thomas, being part of an amount heretofore appropriated and carried to the surplus fund;
To reimburse the State of Maine for allowances to E. S. Greely and John Baker.To the State of Maine to reimburse the expenses of said State for allowances to Ebenezer S. Greely for his sufferings and losses, attendant upon his arrest and imprisonment in the jail at Frederickton, New Brunswick, in consequence of taking the census at Madawaska, and to John Baker, and others, for sufferings and losses in relation to certain