proceedings in said town, the sum of eleven hundred and seventy-five dollars;
Patent Office Building.For continuing the construction of the Patent Office, fifty thousand dollars;
Outfit of the branch mints.For furnishing machinery and for other expenses incident to the outfit of the branch mints at New Orleans, Charlotte, and Dahlonega, two thousand eight hundred dollars;
Salaries of the officers of the Terr. of Iowa, pay of the Legislature, &c.For salaries of the Governor, Secretary, Chief Judges, Associate Justices, District Attorney, and Marshal, and pay and mileage of the members of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Iowa, and the other expenses thereof, printing of the laws, taking the census, and other incidental and contingent expenses of said Assembly and Territory, twenty-four thousand six hundred and seventy-five dollars;
Public buildings in Iowa.For erecting public buildings in the Territory of Iowa, twenty thousand dollars;
Contingent exp. of Senate.For contingent expenses of the Senate, not anticipated when the ordinary estimate of the year was prepared, being principally for engraving and printing maps, and other printing, the purchase of books and book-cases for the Senate committee rooms, the expenses of committees of investigation, and the pay of clerks of committees, fifty thousand dollars.
Military surveys, &c.For an outstanding balance of expenditures under the head of military surveys, and to enable the Department to settle and close that account, ten thousand dollars.
Surveys by civil engineers.For an outstanding balance of expenditure for surveys by the civil engineers, to enable that Department to settle and close the account for those surveys, two thousand dollars.
Mail route, &c. through Creek country, Ala.To close the account for the laying out and construction of a mail route and post road through the Creek country, in the State of Alabama, and to pay the balances due to contractors and workmen upon the said road, the sum of nineteen hundred and forty-five dollars and fifty cents.
Salary of additional Judge of Orphan’s Court Washington co. D. C.For the salary of the additional Judge of the Orphans’ Court of Washington county in the District of Columbia, the office having been created by a law of the present session of Congress, one thousand dollars.
Salary of Judge of the Criminal Court, D. C.For the salary of the Judge of the Criminal Court of the District of Columbia, the said court having been established by a law of Congress of the present session, two thousand dollars.
To carry into effect resolution in relation to steam engines, &c.For enabling the Secretary of the Treasury to carry into effect the resolution of the twenty-ninth ultimo, on the subject of steam engines and steam boats, and the loss of life and property which has been suffered in their use, the sum of six thousand dollars, or so much thereof as he may find necessary for the purpose.
To defray exp. of marshals and other civil officers of the U.S. under amendment to act 20th April, 1818, ch. 88―how to be paid, &c.Act of April 6, 1838, ch. 54.For defraying the expenses of the marshals, deputy marshals, and other civil officers of the United States, in executing the provisions of an act passed at the present session of Congress, entitled “An act to amend an act entitled ‘An act in addition to the act for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States, and to repeal the acts therein mentioned, approved April twentieth, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen,’” the sum of twenty thousand dollars, to be paid out of the appropriation of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars for defraying the expenses of the courts of the United States, made in the “act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of Government, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, approved April sixth, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight,” to be expended by the Secretary of the Treasury, under the direction of the President, upon the certificate of the Judge of the Circuit or District court of the United States of the circuit or district where the expenditure may have been made or the services rendered.