Act to increase the army.For carrying into effect the act for the increase of the army, to wit:
Pay.For pay, three hundred and seventy-nine thousand five hundred and twenty dollars and fifty cents.
Clothing.For clothing, two hundred and sixteen thousand seven hundred and thirty dollars.
Subsistence.For subsistence, seventy-four thousand six hundred and forty-five dollars.
Cont. exp. for recruiting.For contingent expenses for recruiting, fifty-three thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars.
Exp. of board of visiters at Military Academy.For defraying the expenses of the board of visiters at the Military Academy, in addition to the sum contained in the annual appropriation for that object, six hundred and ninety-eight dollars and seventy-five cents.
All money arising from bequest of James Smithson, &c. shall be invested in State stocks, &c.
1841, ch. 25.Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That all the money arising from the bequest of the late James Smithson, of London, for the purpose of founding at Washington, in this District, an institution to be denominated the Smithsonian Institution, which may be paid into the Treasury, is hereby appropriated and shall be invested by the Secretary of the Treasury, with the approbation of the President of the United States, in stocks of States, bearing interest at the rate of not less than five per centum per annum, which said stocks shall be held by the said Secretary in trust for the uses specified in the last will and testament of said Smithson, until provision is made by law for carrying the purpose of said bequest into effect; and that the annual interest accruing on the stock aforesaid shall be in like manner invested for the benefit of said institution.
Machinery for Harper’s Ferry Armory.For procuring new machinery for the Harper’s Ferry Armory, the sum of twenty thousand dollars.
Standard balance for each State, &c.Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury cause to be made, under the superintendence of Mr. Hassler, one standard balance for each State, and when completed that he cause them to be delivered to the respective Governors for the use of the respective States.
Catalogue of Congress Library.For the paper and printing of a complete catalogue of the books of the Congress Library heretofore ordered, fourteen hundred dollars.
Compensation of F. Pettrich.For compensation to Ferdinando Pettrich, for models of statues for blocking to the western front of the Capitol, six hundred dollars.
For enlarging contingent fund of House of Reps., &c.For enlarging the contingent fund of the House of Representatives, to provide for the payment for certain expenses incurred by the House by resolution of the twenty-seventh January, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, forty-eight thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars.
Laborers, &c. the President’s square.For laborers and horse, cart and driver, employed at the President’s square, two thousand and fifteen dollars.
Reparis of Potomac bridge, &c.For repairs of the Potomac bridge, two thousand and fifty dollars; for three hundred feet of suction hose for the Capitol and Capitol grounds, two hundred dollars; for cast iron settees and chairs for the public grounds, one hundred and fifty dollars.
A collector to be appointed at Vicksburg.Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That a collector shall be appointed at the port of Vicksburg who shall give the usual bonds required by such officers in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars, and be entitled to a salary of five hundred dollars per annum, and that the salary for the present year be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.
Approved, July 7, 1838.