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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/370

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side in a city or town containing more than three thousand persons, such assistant shall receive at the same rate for three thousand, and at the rate of two dollars for every three hundred persons over three thousand, residing in such city or town; but where, from the dispersed situation of the inhabitants in some divisions, two dollars will not be sufficient for one hundred persons, the marshals, with the approbation of the judges of their respective districts or territories, may make such further allowance to the assistants in such divisions as shall be deemed an adequate compensation:Proviso.
Further proviso.
Provided, The same does not exceed two dollars and fifty cents, for every fifty persons by them returned: Provided, further, That before any assistant as aforesaid, shall, in any case, be entitled to receive said compensation, he shall take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation, before some judge or justice of the peace, authorized to administer the same, to wit: “I, A B, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that the number of persons set forth in the return made by me, agreeably to the provision of the act entitled ‘An act to provide for taking the sixth census or enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States,’ have been ascertained by an actual inquiry at every dwelling-house, or a personal inquiry of the head of every family, in exact conformity with the provisions of said act; and that I have, in every respect, fulfilled the duties required of me by said act, to the best of my abilities; and that the return aforesaid is correct and true, according to the best of my knowledge and belief.”

Compensation to marshals.The compensation of the several marshals shall be as follows:

  • Maine.The marshal of the district of Maine, four hundred dollars;
  • N. Hampshire.The marshal of the district of New Hampshire, four hundred dollars;
  • Massachus’ts.The marshal of the district of Massachusetts, four hundred and fifty dollars;
  • Rhode Island.The marshal of the district of Rhode Island, two hundred and fifty dollars;
  • Vermont.The marshal of the district of Vermont, four hundred dollars;
  • Connecticut.The marshal of the district of Connecticut, three hundred and fifty dollars;
  • New York, Southern dist.The marshal of the southern district of New York, four hundred and fifty dollars;
  • New York, Northern dist.The marshal of the northern district of New York, four hundred and fifty dollars;
  • New Jersey.The marshal of the district of New Jersey, three hundred and fifty dollars;
  • Pennsylvania, Eastern dist.The marshal of the eastern district of Pennsylvania, four hundred dollars;
  • Pennsylvania, Western dist.The marshal of the western district of Pennsylvania, four hundred dollars;
  • Delaware.The marshal of the district of Delaware, two hundred and twenty-five dollars;
  • Maryland.The marshal of the district of Maryland, four hundred and fifty dollars;
  • Virginia, Eastern district.The marshal of the eastern district of Virginia, four hundred dollars;
  • Virginia, Western district.The marshal of the western district of Virginia, four hundred dollars;
  • Kentucky.The marshal of the district of Kentucky, four hundred and fifty dollars;
  • N. Carolina.The marshal of the district of North Carolina, four hundred and fifty dollars;
  • S. Carolina.The marshal of the district of South Carolina, four hundred and fifty dollars;
  • Georgia.The marshal of the district of Georgia, four hundred and fifty dollars;
  • E. Tennessee.The marshal of the district of East Tennessee, two hundred dollars;