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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/371

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  • W. Tennessee.The marshal of the district of West Tennessee, two hundred dollars;
  • Tennessee Middle dist.The marshal of the middle district of Tennessee, two hundred dollars;
  • Ohio.The marshal of the district of Ohio, five hundred dollars;
  • Indiana.The marshal of the district of Indiana, four hundred and fifty dollars;
  • Illinois.The marshal of the district of Illinois, three hundred dollars;
  • Mississisppi, Northern dist.The marshal of the northern district of Mississippi, two hundred dollars;
  • Mississippi, Southern dist.The marshal of the southern district of Mississippi, two hundred dollars;
  • Louisiana.The marshals of the districts of Louisiana, two hundred dollars each;
  • Alabama, Northern dist.The marshal of the northern district of Alabama, two hundred dollars;
  • Alabama, Southern dist.The marshal of the southern district of Alabama, two hundred dollars;
  • District of Columbia.The marshal of the District of Columbia, one hundred and fifty dollars;
  • Michigan.The marshal of the district of Michigan, two hundred and fifty dollars;
  • Arkansas.The marshal of the district of Arkansas, two hundred and fifty dollars;
  • Florida.The marshals of the Territory of Florida, respectively, fifty dollars;
  • Wisconsin.The marshals of the Territory of Wisconsin, two hundred and fifty dollars;
  • Iowa.The marshals of the Territory of Iowa, two hundred and fifty dollars.

Returning transient persons.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That every person whose usual place of abode shall be in any family on the said first day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty, shall be returned as of such family; and the name of every person who shall be an inhabitant of any district or Territory, without a settled place of residence, shall be inserted in the column of the schedule which is allotted for the heads of families in the division where he or she shall be on the said first day of January, and every person occasionally absent at the time of enumeration, as belonging to the place in which he or she usually resides in the United States.

Information to be given, under penalty.Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That each and every free person more than sixteen years of age, whether heads of families or not, belonging to any family within any division, district, or Territory, made or established within the United States, shall be, and hereby is, obliged to render to the assistant of the division, if required, a true account, to the best of his or her knowledge, of every person belonging to such family, respectively, according to the several descriptions aforesaid, on pain of forfeiting twenty dollars,How recoverable, &c. to be sued for and recovered in any action of debt, by such assistant; the one half to his own use, and the other half to the use of the United States.

Assistants to set up a correct copy of schedule, &c.Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That each and every assistant, previous to making his return to the marshal, shall cause a correct copy, signed by himself, of the schedule containing the number of inhabitants within his division, to be set up at two of the most public places within the same, there to remain for the inspection of all concerned; for each of which copies the said assistant shall be entitled to receive five dollars:Proviso. Provided, Proof of the schedule having been set up shall be transmitted to the marshal, with the return of the number of persons; and in case any assistant shall fail to make such proof to the marshal, with the return of the number of persons, as aforesaid, he shall forfeit the compensation allowed him by this act.

Sec. of State to transmit instructions, &c. to marshals.Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of State shall be, and hereby is, authorized and required to transmit to the marshals of the several districts and Territories, regulations and instructions