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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/396

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Transportation of troops and supplies.For the transportation of troops, and supplies, viz: transportation of the army including the baggage of troops, when moving either by land or water; freight and ferriages; purchase or hire of horses, mules, oxen, carts, wagons, and boats, for the purpose of transportation, or for the use of garrison; drayage and cartage at the several posts; hire of teamsters; transportation of funds for the pay department; expense of sailing a public transport between the posts on the Gulf of Mexico, and of procuring water at such posts as, from their situation, require it; the transportation of clothing from the depot at Philadelphia to the stations of the troops; of subsistence from the places of purchase, and the points of delivery under contracts, to such places as the circumstances of the service may require it to be sent; of ordnance from the foundries and arsenals to the fortifications and frontier posts, and of lead from the western mines to the several arsenals, the sum of two hundred and five thousand dollars;

Quartermaster’s department.For the incidental expenses of the quartermaster’s department, consisting of postage on public letters and packets; expenses of courts martial and courts of inquiry, including the compensation of judge advocates, members, and witnesses; extra pay to soldiers, under an act of Congress of the second of March, eighteen hundred and nineteen;Act of March 2, 1819, ch. 45. expenses of expresses from the frontier posts; of the necessary articles for the internment of non-commissioned officers and soldiers; hire of laborers; compensation to clerks in the offices of quartermasters and assistant quartermasters at posts where their duties cannot be performed without such aid, and to temporary agents in charge of dismantled works, and in the performance of other duties; expenditures necessary to keep the two regiments of dragoons complete, including the purchase of horses to supply the place of those which may be lost and become unfit for service, and the erection of additional stables, one hundred and two thousand dollars;

Contingencies.For contingencies of the army, seven thousand dollars;

Extra pay.For two months’ extra pay to re-enlisted soldiers, and for the contingent expenses of the recruiting service, thirty thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven dollars;

National armories.For the national armories, three hundred and sixty thousand dollars;

Armament of fortifications.For the armament of fortifications, one hundred thousand dollars;

Ordnance service.For the current expenses of the ordnance service, one hundred thousand dollars;

Ordnance, &c.For ordnance, ordnance stores, and supplies, one hundred and twenty thousand dollars;

Arsenals.For arsenals, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars;

Springfield armory.For new machinery at the Springfield armory, twenty thousand dollars;

Allegany and Watertown arsenals.For the purchase of land at the Allegany and Watertown arsenals, three thousand five hundred dollars;

Drawing, &c.For the expense of preparing drawings of a uniform system of artillery, and for other supplies in the Ordnance Department, three thousand eight hundred dollars;

Arrearages.For arrearages prior to the 1st of July, eighteen hundred and fifteen, per act of the first of May, eighteen hundred and twenty, payable through the Third Auditor’s Office, three thousand dollars;

Surveying, &c. military road.For surveying and opening the western frontier military road, being the balance of an appropriation carried to the surplus fund, fifty-two thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars and sixty-seven cents;

Appropriations for fortifications.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the preservation, repairs, and construction of certain fortifications and incidental expenses for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, viz: