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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/397

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Castle island and Fort Independence.For preservation of Castle island, and repairs of Fort Independence, at Boston, twenty-five thousand dollars;

Fort Warren.For Fort Warren, at Boston, forty thousand dollars;

Fort Adams.For Fort Adams, at Newport, ten thousand dollars;

New London harbor.For the fort at New London harbor, five thousand dollars;

Fort Schuyler.For Fort Schuyler, at New York, ten thousand dollars;

Castle William, &c. at New York.For repairs of Castle William and Fort Columbus, and officers’ quarters, at New York, two thousand dollars;

Ft. Delaware.For Fort Delaware, ten thousand dollars. Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be applied till the title of the said fortification shall be decided to be in the United States.

Fort Monroe.For Fort Monroe, ten thousand dollars;

Fort Calhoun.For Fort Calhoun, fifteen thousand dollars;

Fort Caswell.For Fort Caswell, five thousand dollars;

Fortification at Charleston, Fort Moultrie.For fortification in Charleston, South Carolina, and for the preservation of the site of Fort Moultrie, ten thousand dollars.

Fort Pulaski.For Fort Pulaski, at Savannah, fifteen thousand dollars.

Fort Marion.For Fort Marion and sea-wall at St. Augustine, ten thousand dollars.

Fort on Foster’s bank.Fort fort on Foster’s Bank, Pensacola, five thousand dollars.

Contingencies.For contingencies of fortifications, ten thousand dollars.

Incidental expenses, &c.For incidental expenses attending the repairs of fortifications, and for the purchase of additional land in the neighbourhood, fifty thousand dollars;

Ft. at Grande Terre.For the fort at Grande Terre, being the amount of a former appropriation carried to the surplus fund, fifteen thousand dollars;

Fort Niagara.For the preservation and repair of Fort Niagara, thirty thousand dollars;

Fort at Oswego.For repairing and rebuilding the old fort at Oswego, including the construction of the necessary barracks, twenty thousand dollars;

Sackett’s Harbor.For barracks and other buildings at Sackett’s Harbor, ten thousand dollars;

Plattsburg.For barracks and other buildings at Plattsburg, twenty thousand dollars;

Western frontier.For the construction of barracks, quarters, store-houses, hospitals and stable, and the necessary defences of the posts it may be deemed proper to establish for the better protection of the Western frontier, eighty thousand dollars.

Military Academy.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Military Academy for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, viz:

Pay.For pay of officers, cadets, and musicians, fifty-nine thousand two hundred and twenty-eight dollars;

Subsistence.For subsistence of officers and cadets, forty thousand and four dollars;

Forage of officers’ horses.For forage of officers’ horses, three thousand nine hundred and thirty-six dollars;

Clothing of officers’ servants.For clothing of officers’ servants, three hundred and ninety dollars;

Board of visiters.For defraying the expenses of the board of visiters at West Point, two thousand dollars;

Fuel, &c.For fuel, forage, stationery, printing, transportation, and postage, twelve thousand five hundred and eighty-one dollars and forty-five cents;

Repairs, &c.For repairs, improvements, and expenses of buildings, grounds, roads, wharves, boats, and fences, seven thousand two hundred and twenty-one dollars and sixty cents;

Adjutant’s and quartermaster’s clerks.For pay of adjutant’s and quartermaster’s clerks, nine hundred and fifty dollars;

Library.For increase and expenses of the library, one thousand dollars;