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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/463

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printing, stationery, fuel, and all other incidental expenses, twenty thousand one hundred and seventy-five dollars;

Florida Territory.For compensation of the Governor, Judges and Secretary of the Territory of Florida, thirteen thousand five hundred dollars;

For contingent expenses of said Territory, three hundred and fifty dollars;

For pay and mileage of the members of the Legislative Council of said Territory, pay to the officers of the Council, printing, furniture, rent, stationery, fuel, and all other incidental expenses, twenty-seven thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars;

Chief justice, &c. U. S.For compensation of the chief justice, associate judges, and district judges of the United States, ninety-three thousand nine hundred dollars;

Judges of the District of Columbia.For compensation of the chief justice and associate Judges of the District of Columbia, and of the judges of the criminal and orphan’s courts of said District, twelve thousand seven hundred dollars;

Lunatics in the District of Columbia.
1841, ch. 4.
Attorney Gen.
For carrying into effect the provisions of the act approved on the second of February instant, “Making temporary provision for lunatics in the District of Columbia,” three thousand dollars;

For compensation of the Attorney General of the United States, four thousand dollars;

Office.For compensation of clerk and messenger in the office of the Attorney General, one thousand five hundred dollars;

For contingent expenses of said office, five hundred dollars;

Reporter Supreme Court.For compensation to the reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court, one thousand dollars;

Dist. attorneys and marshals.For compensation to the district attorneys and marshals, including those in the several Territories, fourteen thousand four hundred and fifty dollars;

Expenses of Supreme Court, &c.For defraying the expenses of the Supreme, Circuit and District courts of the United States, including the District of Columbia; also for jurors and witnesses, in aid of the funds arising from fines, penalties, and forfeitures, incurred in the year eighteen hundred and forty-one, and preceding years; and likewise for defraying the expenses of suits in which the United States are concerned, and of prosecutions for offences committed against the United States, and for the safe-keeping of prisoners, three hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars;Proviso. Provided, however, That hereafter, in lieu of all fees, emoluments, and receipts now allowed in districts where the present entire compensation of any of the officers hereinafter named shall exceed the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars per annum, it shall and may be lawful for the United States’ clerks, attorneys, counsel, and marshals, in the district and circuit courts of the United States in the several States, to demand and receive the same fees that now are, or hereafter may be, allowed by the laws of the said States respectively where said courts are held, to the clerks, attorneys and counsel, and sheriffs, in the highest courts of the said States in which like services are rendered; and no other fees or emoluments, except that the marshals shall receive in full, for summoning all the jurors for any one court, thirty dollars; and shall receive, for every day’s actual attendance at any court, five dollars per day; and for any services, including the compensation for mileage, performed by said officers in the discharge of their official duty, for which no compensation is provided by the laws of said States respectively, the said officers may receive such fees as are now allowed by law according to the existing usage and practice of said courts of the United States;Attorneys.
Proviso, limiting the amount of fees retainable by attorneys, &c.
and every district attorney, except the district attorney of the southern district of New York, shall receive, in addition to the above fees, a salary of two hundred dollars per annum: Provided, That the fees and emoluments retained by the district attorneys, marshals, and clerks, ex-