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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/464

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clusive of any reasonable compensation to their deputies, to be allowed in their accounts by the courts of the respective districts to which they belong, and after the payment of such necessary office and other expenses as shall be allowed by the Secretary of the Treasury, not to exceed, as to any one of the said offices in the southern district of New York, the sum of three thousand dollars per annum, and in any other district the sum of one thousand dollars per annum, shall in no case exceed, for the district attorneys and the marshals, or either of them, the sum of six thousand dollars each; and those for each of the clerks shall not exceed, in any case, four thousand five hundred dollars; the overplus of fees and emolumentsThe overplus to be paid into the Treasury. to be paid into the public Treasury, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, subject to the disposition of Congress.

Annuities and grants.For the payment of annuities and grants by special acts of Congress, nine hundred dollars;

U. S. coast survey.For survey of the coast of the United States, including the compensation of the superintendent and assistants, one hundred thousand dollars;

Keepers of Florida archives.For compensation of the two keepers of the public archives in Florida, one thousand dollars;

Registers and receivers.For salaries of registers and receivers of land offices, where there are no sales, three thousand five hundred dollars;

Insolvent debtors.For expenses in relation to the relief of certain insolvent debtors of the United States, three thousand dollars;

Private land claims in Florida.For allowance to the law agent, assistant, counsel, and district attorney, under the acts providing for the settlement of private land claims in Florida, five thousand dollars;

Support of lighthouses, &c.For the support and maintenance of light-houses, floating lights, beacons, buoys, and stakeages, including the purchase of lamps, oil, wicks, buffskins, whiting and cotton cloth, transporting oil, &c., keepers’ salaries, repairs, improvements, and contingent expenses, four hundred and eighty-four thousand and seventy-two dollars;

Statues for the Capitol.
For payment to Luigi Persico and Horatio Greenough, for statues to adorn the two blockings, east front of the capitol, eight thousand dollars: Provided, The work is in such state of progress, as, in reference to the whole sum to be paid to the artists, respectively, for their execution, shall, in the opinion of the President of the United States, render it proper to make such payments.

Paintings for the Capitol.
For payments to the artists engaged in executing four historical paintings for the vacant panels of the rotundo of the capitol, eight thousand dollars: Provided, The paintings are in such state of progress as, in reference to the whole sum to be paid to the artists, respectively, for their execution, shall, in the opinion of the President of the United States, render it proper to make such payments.

Penitentiary of D. C.For the support and maintenance of the penitentiary of the District of Columbia, eight thousand three hundred and eighty-one dollars;

Sick and disabled seamen.
1802, ch. 51.
To make good a deficiency in the years eighteen hundred and thirty-nine and eighteen hundred and forty, in the fund for the relief of sick and disabled seamen, as established by the act of third May, eighteen hundred and two, ninety-seven thousand dollars;

Commissioner for southern boundary of Iowa.For balance due the commissioner for ascertaining and marking the southern boundary of Iowa Territory, under the act of eighteenth June, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, four hundred and fourteen dollars and eighty-six cents;

Custom-house at Boston.For carrying on the work of the new custom-house building at Boston, one hundred thousand dollars;

Warehouse at Baltimore.For defraying the cost of extra work on the public warehouse at Baltimore, three thousand dollars;

Custom-house at New York.For payment of arrearages for completing the custom-house, New York,