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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/467

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missions, boxes, and all other fees, perquisites and emoluments, of any name or character whatsoever, and for any service whatsoever;

Ship letters, &c.For ship, steamboat, and way-letters, forty thousand dollars;

Wrapping papers.For wrapping paper, twenty-five thousand dollars;

Office furniture.For office furniture, five thousand dollars;

Advertising.For advertising, thirty-six thousand dollars;

Mail bags.For mail-bags, thirty-five thousand dollars;

Blanks.For blanks, thirty-five thousand dollars;

Mail locks, &c.For mail-locks, keys and stamps, fifteen thousand dollars;

Mail depredations, &c.For mail depredations and special agents, twenty-two thousand dollars;

Clerks.For clerks for offices, two hundred and ten thousand dollars;

Miscellaneous Survey of the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.And for the continuance of the survey of the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, twenty thousand dollars;

For procuring the archives of Florida.For the balance, certified as due to the agent and commissioners at Havana, to procure the archives of Florida, and transmit them to this country, and in full execution of the laws upon that subject, the sum of six thousand and forty-three dollars and ten cents;

Compensation to W. W. Chew.For compensation to William W. Chew, late acting chargé d’affaires at Russia, from the twenty-third of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, till the twenty-first of September, eighteen hundred and forty, the sum of two thousand nine hundred dollars, it being the difference between his salary as Secretary of Legation and the pay of a chargé d’affaires during that period;

Extra session of the Senate. Pay and mileage.For the pay and mileage of the members of the Senate for the extra session of that body, to be convened in its Executive capacity on the fourth day of March of the present year, the sum of thirteen thousand four hundred and twenty-four dollars;

Contingent expenses.For the contingent expenses of the Senate for the extra session including the pay of messengers, service of horses, fuel, stationery, and all other contingent items of the extra session, three thousand dollars;

Hydrographic survey of the lakes.And for a hydrographic survey of the coasts of the northern and northwestern lakes of the United States, to be expended under the direction of the President, fifteen thousand dollars;

Assistant to Librarian of Congress.And the Librarian of Congress is authorized to employ an additional assistant, who shall receive a yearly compensation of eleven hundred and fifty dollars, commencing December first, one thousand eight hundred and forty, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated;

Compensation of custom-house officers for the year 1839.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is, hereby authorized to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the collectors, deputy collectors, naval officers, surveyors, and their respective clerks, together with the weighers, gaugers, measurers and markers of the several ports of the United States, the same compensation for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, which they would have been entitled to receive if the third section of the1838, ch. 169. act of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, entitled “An act to provide for the support of the Military Academy of the United States, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, and for other purposes,” had continued in force during the said year, and subject to the provisions and restrictions therein contained:Proviso. Provided, That nothing in this section contained shall be so construed as to give to any collector of the customs a salary for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, beyond the maximum now fixed by law, or four thousand dollars.

Payment of arrears to the clerks in the custom-house at Boston.Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay to the clerks in the custom-house at Boston, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise ap-