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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/466

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Minister to Turkey.For salary of the minister resident of the United States to Turkey, six thousand dollars;

Chargés des affaires.For salaries of the charges des affaires to Portugal, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Holland, Belgium, Brazil, Chili, Peru, New Grenada, Venezuela, Texas, Naples, and Sardinia, sixty-three thousand dollars;

Drogoman.For salary of a drogoman to the legation to Turkey, two thousand five hundred dollars;

Expenses of missions.For contingent expenses of all the missions abroad, thirty thousand dollars;

Outfits.For outfits of ministers to Austria and Great Britain, and of charges des affaires to Venezuela, twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars;

Consuls at London and Paris.For salaries of the consuls of the United States at London and Paris, four thousand dollars;

Relief, &c. of Am. seamen.For the relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries, fifty thousand dollars;

Expenses of consulate at London.
1836, ch. 2.
Barbary powers.
For clerk hire, office-rent, stationery, and other expenses in the office of the American consul at London, per act of January nineteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, two thousand eight hundred dollars;

For expenses of intercourse with the Barbary Powers, seventeen thousand four hundred dollars;

Foreign intercourse.For the contingent expenses of foreign intercourse, thirty thousand dollars;

Library of Congress.For salary of the principal and two assistant librarians, pay of the messenger, and for contingent expenses of the library, three thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars;

Purchase of books.For the purchase of books for the library in Congress, five thousand dollars;

Enforcement of the neutrality laws.For the payment of arrearages incurred in enforcing the neutrality laws on the northern and northwestern frontier, five thousand dollars;

Service of the General Post Office.
1836, ch. 270.
For the service of the General Post Office for the year eighteen hundred and forty-one, in conformity to the act of second July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six;

For transportation of the mail, three million two hundred and eighty thousand dollars;

Compensation of postmasters.
Proviso, requiring them to make returns of all emoluments received from boxes, &c.
Act of March 3, 1845, ch. 43.
For compensation of postmasters, one million and fifty thousand dollars: Provided however, That in addition to returns now required to be rendered by postmasters, it shall be the duty of the postmasters at New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and New Orleans, and the other several cities of the Union, each and every year hereafter, to render a quarter-yearly account to the Postmaster General, under oath, in such form as the latter shall prescribe, for the purpose of giving full effect to this proviso, of all emoluments or sums by them respectively received for boxes or pigeon-holes, or other receptacles for letters or papers, and by them charged for to individuals; or for the delivery of letters or papers at or from any place in either of said cities, other than the actual post office of such city, and of all emoluments, receipts, and profits that have come to their hands by reason of keeping branch post offices in either of said cities; and if, from such accounting, it shall appear that the net amount received by either of the postmasters at either of such cities for such boxes and pigeon-holes, and other receptacles for letters and papers, and for delivering letters or papers at for from any place in either of said cities other than said post office, and by reason of keeping a branch post office in either of said cities, shall, in the aggregate, exceed the sum of three thousand dollars in any one year, such excess shall be paid to the Postmaster GeneralNo postmaster to receive more than $5000 a year, salary included. for the use and purposes of the Post Office Department; and no postmaster shall hereafter, under any pretence whatsoever, have, or receive, or retain for himself, in the aggregate, more than five thousand dollars per year, including salary, com-