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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/521

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compensation to superintendent and assistants, one hundred thousand dollars.

Survey of the lakes.No. 170. For the continuation of the survey of the northern and southern lakes of the United States, twenty thousand dollars.

Boundary between Michigan and Wisconsin.No. 171. For completing survey of the boundary between the State of Michigan and territory of Wisconsin, seven thousand dollars.

Exploration and survey of north-eastern boundary.No. 172. To enable the President of the United States to cause to be made and completed an exploration and survey of that part of the northeastern boundary line of the United States and the adjacent country which separates the States of Maine and New Hampshire from the British provinces, and for completing maps of surveys already made, and other work, according to estimates, sixty-six thousand three hundred and one dollars and seventy-five cents.

Keepers of Florida archives.No. 173. For the salaries of the two keepers of the public archives in Florida, one thousand dollars.

Allowance to law agents, &c.
For allowance to law agent, assistant counsel, and district attorney, under acts providing for the settlement of private land claims in Florida, three thousand five hundred and thirty-five dollars and eighty-two cents: Provided, That no allowance shall hereafter be made for compensation to the law agent, assistant counsel, or extra fees to the district attorney of Florida, for attending to the settlement of private land claims in Florida. And the said office of law agent and the power to employ assistant counsel are hereby abolished.

Insolvent debtors.No. 174. For expenses in relation to the relief of certain insolvent debtors of the United States, two thousand dollars.

Penitentiary of D. C.No. 175. For the support and maintenance of the penitentiary of the District of Columbia, in addition to an unexpended balance of nine thousand three hundred and eighty-four dollars, six hundred and sixteen dollars.

Sick and disabled seamen.
1802, ch. 51.
No. 176. To make good a deficiency in the year eighteen hundred and forty-one in the fund for the relief of sick and disabled seamen, as established by the act of the third May, eighteen hundred and three, [two] forty-six thousand five hundred dollars.

Marine hospital at Mobile.No. 177. To complete and put in a suitable condition for occupation the marine hospital at Mobile, fifteen thousand dollars.

Custom-house at Boston.No. 178. For the custom-house at Boston, seventy-five thousand dollars.

Custom-house at New York.No. 179. For payment of such amount as shall be found due by the select committee, appointed in the House of Representatives on the thirteenth day of May, eighteen hundred and forty-two, for superintendence, work done, and materials furnished in completing the custom-house at New York, a sum not exceeding twenty-eight thousand two hundred dollars.

Expenses of 6th census.No. 180. For expenses of sixth census, including printing statistics and reports, enumeration of inhabitants and addendum, and census of pensioners for revolutionary and military services, ten thousand copies each, a sum not exceeding one hundred and ten thousand dollars: Provided, however,Proviso. That before the said accounts are paid it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State, or other proper accounting officer, to ascertain from one or more disinterested practical printers, what would be considered a fair and just compensation for composition, press-work, printing and paper, and that so much and no more be allowed: And provided further, That no part of the said sum be applied to the payment of printing the compendium which is now the subject of dispute.

Statue of Washington.For the removal of the statue of Washington under the direction of a joint committee of both Houses of Congress, the account for which shall be audited and certified by said committee, a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars.