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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/522

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Expenses of issuing Treasury notes.For expenses incident to the issue of Treasury notes heretofore authorized, two thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of this appropriation be applied, and no compensation shall be made to any officer whose salary is established by law, for preparing, signing, or issuing said Treasury notes.

Light-house establishment.
Light-house Establishment.―No. 181. For supplying light-houses, containing two thousand six hundred and fifty-two lamps, with oil, tube-glasses, wicks, buff-skins, whiting and cotton cloth, transportation and keeping the apparatus in order, one hundred and sixteen thousand seven hundred and thirty-five dollars and ninety-six cents.

No. 182. For repairs, refitting, and improvements of light-houses, and buildings connected therewith, one hundred and twenty-five thousand three hundred and fifty-seven dollars and eighty-two cents.

No. 183. For salaries of two hundred and thirty-six keepers of light-houses, (seventeen of them being charged with two lights each, and one with three,) ninety-four thousand thirty-eight dollars and thirty-three cents.

Floating lights, &c.No. 184. For salaries of thirty keepers of floating lights, fifteen thousand eight hundred dollars.

No. 185. For seamen’s wages, repairs, and supplies to thirty floating lights, sixty-seven thousand one hundred and seventy-six dollars and eighteen cents.

Buoys, &c.No. 186. For weighing, mooring, cleansing, repairing, and supplying the loss of beacons, buoys, chains, and sinkers, twenty-five thousand four hundred and ninety-nine dollars and twelve cents.

No. 187. For expenses of examining annually the condition of the light-houses, four thousand dollars; and for superintendents’ commissions, at two and a half per cent., eleven thousand two hundred and fifteen dollars.

Light-house at Goat Island.No. 188. For completing the dike (from Goat Island, Newport, Rhode Island) and removing the light to the new light-house, thirteen thousand dollars.

Foreign intercourse.Intercourse with Foreign Nations.―No. 189. For salaries of the ministers of the United States to Great Britain, France, Russia, Prussia, Austria, Spain, Mexico, and Brazil, seventy-two thousand dollars.

Secretaries of Legation.No. 190. For salaries of secretaries of legation to the same places, sixteen thousand dollars.

Chargés des affaires.No. 191. For salaries of the chargés des affaires to Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, Holland, Belgium, Chili, Peru, Venezuela, New Grenada, Texas, Naples, and Sardinia, fifty-four thousand dollars.

Outfits.No. 192. For outfits of chargés des affaires to Sweden, Belgium, New Grenada, and Holland, eighteen thousand dollars.

Minister to Turkey.No. 193. For salary of the minister resident to Turkey, six thousand dollars.

Drogoman.No. 194. For salary of a drogoman to the legation to Turkey, two thousand five hundred dollars.

Expenses of foreign intercourse.No. 195. For contingent expenses of foreign intercourse, thirty thousand dollars: Provided, That such portion of the appropriations for foreign missions as shall remain unexpended by reason of reduction of discontinuance of missions, (if any should be made,) may be applied to the payment of such allowances as shall become necessary in consequence of such reduction or discontinuance.

Expenses of missions.For contingent expenses of all the missions abroad, thirty thousand dollars.

Consul at London.No. 196. For salary of the consul at London, two thousand dollars.

Relief, &c. of Am. seamen.No. 197. For the relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries, thirty-five thousand dollars.

Expenses of consulate at London.No. 198. For clerk hire, office rent, and other expenses of the office of [the] consul at London, two thousand eight hundred dollars.