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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/677

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Officers of old internal revenue and direct tax.For the payment of balances to officers of old internal revenue and direct tax, being part of the amount carried to the surplus fund thirty-first December, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, three thousand six hundred and sixty-one dollars and ninety cents.

J. Russ. and S. J. Roach.For payment to Joseph Russ and Stephen J. Roach, in full for labor bestowed, any money expended in repairing or constructing a road leading from Pensacola to Tallahassee in Florida, in pursuance of a settlement of their account under the act approved seventeenth February, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, entitled1836, ch. 23.An act for the relief of Joseph Russ and Stephen J. Roach,” two thousand dollars.

Lighting Pennsylvania avenue.For lighting Pennsylvania avenue, one hundred and fifty dollars.

City watch.For the compensation of the captain and watchmen for the city of Washington, six thousand seven hundred dollars.

For contingent expenses for fuel and light for said watch, three hundred dollars.

Books ordered by House of Representatives.For payment of the books ordered by the resolution of the House of Representatives adopted on the eighth of August, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, forty-seven thousand one hundred and sixty-two dollars and seventy-six cents.

Expenses under act to remit duties on goods destroyed by fire.
Act of July 7, 1838, ch. 174.
For expenses incurred prior to January first, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, for clerk-hire, wages of porter, and stationery, of the commissioners under the act of July, seven, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, “to remit duties on certain goods destroyed by fire,” one thousand three hundred and thirty-seven dollars and ninety-nine cents.

Late commercial agent at St. Christopher’s.For the balance due to the late commercial agent at St. Christopher’s for disbursements for the relief and protection of distressed American seamen, five thousand eight hundred and sixty-six dollars and eight cents.

Sugar manual and apparatus for the custom-houses.To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to procure the necessary manual for the several custom-houses, together with the necessary instruments and apparatus, to ascertain the relative quantity of saccharine matter in the different kinds of sugar, agreeably to the resolution of the House of Representatives adopted on the twenty-first of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, six thousand two hundred dollars.

Documentary history.For the balance due on the second volume of the Documentary History of the American Revolution, six thousand eight hundred and twenty-six dollars.

For the third volume of the Documentary History of the American Revolution, twenty-seven thousand six hundred and fifty dollars: Provided, That the whole work, when completed, shall not exceed twenty volumes, and that the whole cost of the entire work shall not exceed twenty thousand four hundred dollars per volume: Provided, also, That the materials which shall compose each successive volume shall, before any appropriation is hereafter made for the cost of the same, be submitted to, and approved by, the Secretary of State for the time being: And provided, also, That the parties who stipulated, by articles of agreement dated the nineteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, to publish the “Documentary History of the American Revolution,” shall, within ten days from the passage of this act, deliver to the Secretary of State a written agreement, to be by him accepted and approved, adopting as part of the said original articles the restrictions and limitations in these provisoes contained, and making the same legally binding and operative, as portions of the said original articles, in all respects as if they had been in terms incorporated into the same.

Indexing documents.For completing and indexing of the public documents connected with