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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/685

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vernment and of foreign Governments, and to universities, colleges, and literary institutions now entitled to receive congressional documents, printed by order of either House, allowing one copy of each work to each; that the said Secretary in like manner distribute of said residue to the Library of Congress the same number of copies of each as it is entitled to receive of said congressional documents, and for the same purposes; to the library of the Senate three copies of each work; to the library of the House of Representatives three copies of each work; to every other department, bureau, public office or officer now entitled to receive congressional documents as aforesaid, one copy of each work, for preservation in such department, bureau or office; to every other person, body politic and functionary now entitled to receive congressional documents as aforesaid, one copy of each work; and that the said Secretary of State distribute the remaining copies of each work aforesaid to the several States, Territories, and District of Columbia in proportion to their respective population, in the same manner as the laws of Congress are apportioned and distributed;Distribution of each previous census. and that of the extra copies of each Census taken before eighteen hundred and forty, all over fifty copies (if so many remain on hand) be distributed to said States, Territories and District in like proportion in like manner.

Approved, February 24, 1843.

March 3, 1843.

No. 4. Joint Resolution directing certain papers relating to titles to land in Louisiana, to be returned to the General Land Office.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Certain papers to be returned to the General Land Office.
1835, ch. 17.
That the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives be, and they are hereby, instructed to furnish to the Commissioner of the General land office, the original reports from the several Land Offices in the State of Louisiana, made under the provisions of an act entitled “An act for the final adjustment of claims to land in the State of Louisiana,” approved February sixth, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five; also the title-papers and evidence relating to claims in said reports, confirmed by an act entitled1842, ch. 50.
An act confirming certain land claims in Louisiana,” approved July sixth, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two: Provided, That claimants shall be entitled to withdraw their original title-papers after fair copies shall have been taken by the Commissioner of the General Land Office.

Approved, March 3, 1843.

March 3, 1843.

No. 5. Joint Resolution, in relation to certain property purchased for the United States in the city of Detroit.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Banking house, &c. to be set apart for U. S. courts and post-office at Detroit. That the Secretary of the Treasury shall have charge of the banking house, with the appurtenances, late of the Bank of Michigan, situate in the city of Detroit, in the State of Michigan, purchased for the United States by direction of the Solicitor of the Treasury; and he shall have power to set apart the said premises for the use of the courts of the United States, the officers of such courts, and the post office in the said city of Detroit, and for such other public uses as he may judge to be expedient and proper, until the further order of Congress in the premises.

Approved, March 3, 1843.