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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/684

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Statute ⅠⅠⅠ.

March 3, 1843.

Chap. CIII.An Act further to continue in force the act for the payment of horses and other property lost in the military service of the United States.

Act of Jan. 18, 1837, ch. 5.
Act of Aug. 23, 1842, ch. 185.
Act of 18th Jan. 1837, continued for two years.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the act entitled “An act to provide for the payment of horses and other property lost in the military service of the United States,” approved on the eighteenth day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, and which has been continued in force until the end of the present session of Congress, be, and the same is hereby, continued in force for two years from and after the end of the present session of Congress: Provided, That at the end of the last aforesaid term of two years, all claims intended to be provided for by said act, shall be forever barred and irrecoverable before any tribunal whatever:Proviso. Provided further, That in making proof of the loss of a horse, under the provisions of the aforesaid act, for want of forage, the additional proof of hard service connected therewith, shall not be construed to invalidate the proof of such loss by reason of the failure of the Government to furnish forage, the proof or want of forage being satisfactory.

Approved, March 3, 1843.


Jan. 20, 1843.

No. 1. Joint Resolution for the distribution of catalogues of the library of Congress.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Distribution. That the copies of the Catalogue of the Library of Congress last published, now remaining on hand, there be distributed by the librarian one copy to each of the colleges and universities in the United States that has not already been furnished with the same and to each person entitled to the use of the library.

Approved, January 20, 1843.

Feb. 18, 1843.

No. 2. Joint Resolution to establish agencies for water-rotted hemp.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Agencies to be established in Kentucky and Missouri.
That the Secretary of the Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized to establish an agency in the State of Kentucky, and an agency in the State of Missouri, for the inspection, test, and purchase of water-rotted hemp for the use of the American navy: Provided, That domestic hemp shall not cost more than foreign hemp of the same quality in the seaport towns of the United States.

Approved, February 18, 1843.

Feb. 24, 1843.

No. 3. A Resolution for the distribution of certain copies of the Census returns and of the Compendium of the Sixth Census.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Distribution of the sixth census. That of the extra copies of the Census returns for eighteen hundred and forty, and of the Compendium of the said Census now remaining on hand, there be retained until further order two hundred copies of each; and that the residue of said Census returns and Compendium there be distributed, in the same manner as the laws of Congress are distributed, two hundred and fifty copies of each to the Secretary of State for his department and for distribution, in like manner by him, to ministers and diplomatic agents of this Go-