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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/796

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Executive officers.For salaries of Governor, five judges, and secretary, thirteen thousand five hundred dollars;

Contingent expenses.For contingent expenses of said Territory, three hundred and fifty dollars;

Legislative Assembly.For compensation and mileage of the members of the Legislative Assembly of said Territory, pay of officers and attendants, printing, stationery, fuel, and other incidental and contingent expenses, twenty thousand six hundred and seventy-nine dollars and thirty-three cents:Application of appropriations for Iowa and Florida. Provided, That the appropriations made for the Territories of Iowa and Florida shall be applied only to the payment of expenses that may be incurred before their admission as States into the Union.

Chief justice and associate judges.
District judges.
Judiciary.―For salaries of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the eight Associate Judges, forty-one thousand dollars.

For salaries of the district judges, fifty-two thousand nine hundred dollars.

Judges of District of Columbia.For salaries of the chief justice of the District of Columbia, the associate judges, the judges of the criminal and orphans’ courts of said district, eleven thousand seven hundred dollars.

Attorney General, &c.For salaries of the Attorney General, and clerk in his office, five thousand dollars.

For contingent expenses of the office of Attorney General, five hundred dollars.

Reporter of Supreme Court.For salary of the reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court, thirteen hundred dollars.

District Attorneys.For compensation of the district attorneys, including those in the several Territories, as prescribed by law, eight thousand dollars.

Marshals.For compensation of the marshals, including those in the several Territories, as prescribed by law, seven thousand two hundred dollars.

Contingent expenses.For defraying the contingent expenses of the Supreme, circuit and district courts of the United States, including the District of Columbia; also, for jurors and witnesses, in aid of the funds arising from fines, penalties, and forfeitures, incurred in the fiscal year ending on the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and forty-six, and previous years; and likewise for defraying the expenses of suits in which the United States are concerned, and for prosecutions for offences committed against the United States, and for the safe-keeping of prisoners, four hundred thousand dollars, a part of which may be applied to make good any deficiency that may exist in the appropriation for this object for the year ending the thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and forty-five.

Additional counsel.For the employment of additional counsel or agents for the defence of the interests of the United States, in suits authorized to be brought against the United States by virtue of the act of the seventeenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, entitledAct of June 17, 1844, ch. 95.An act to provide for the adjustment of land claims within the States of Missouri, Arkansas and Louisiana, and in those parts of the States of Mississippi and Alabama south of the thirty-first degree of north latitude, and between the Perdido and Mississippi rivers,” five thousand dollars.

Annuities and grants.
Miscellaneous.―For the payment of annuities and grants by special acts of Congress, seven hundred and fifty dollars.

Keepers of Florida archives.For compensation of two keepers of the public archives in Florida, one thousand dollars.

Confederation and Washington papers.For preparing indices to the manuscript papers of the Confederation and of Washington, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.

Claims under act of March 5, 1816, ch. 23.For the adjustment of claims arising under the act of the fifth of March, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, [sixteen,] for the relief of Lieutenant Colonel William Lawrence and others, being a re-appropriation of an amount heretofore carried to the surplus fund, three hundred and forty-seven dollars and sixty-seven cents.