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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/797

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Auxiliary guard.For compensation and contingent expenses of the auxiliary guard, six thousand seven hundred and seventy-five dollars.

Penitentiary of D. C.For the support of the penitentiary in the District of Columbia, six thousand dollars.

Coast survey.For survey of the coast of the United States, including compensation to the superintendent and assistants, eighty-eight thousand dollars.

For the publication of maps and charts, the materials for which have been accumulating in the office of the coast survey, twelve thousand dollars.

Exploring expedition.For completing the publication of the work of the Exploring Expedition, including the printing of an extra number of charts, and for the salary of the horticulturist, ten thousand dollars.

Boston custom-house.For completing the work of the custom-house at Boston, one hundred thousand dollars.

New Orleans custom-house.For plans and estimates for the erection of a custom-house in the city of New Orleans, in front of the square now occupied for that purpose, five hundred dollars: Provided, That the site for said ground be conveyed by the first municipality of New Orleans, in full title, absolutely and unconditionally, to the United States; that its location and extent be deemed satisfactory to the Secretary of the Treasury, who is hereby authorized to agree upon such conditions for the settlement of the conflicting pretensions of the United States and the first municipality to said custom-house square, and the ground in front of it, as he may consider just and equitable.

Charleston custom-house.For repairs of the custom-house at Charleston, five thousand dollars.

Savannah custom-house.For the erection of a custom-house building in the city of Savannah, Georgia, thirty thousand dollars.

Maryland hospital.For the liquidation and settlement of the debt due to the Maryland hospital for the support of lunatic paupers of the District of Columbia from the tenth of March, eighteen hundred and forty-three, to tenth of June, eighteen hundred and forty-four, five thousand dollars; the same, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be disbursed by the order of the marshal of the District of Columbia, and according to such adjustment of said account as he may find correct.

Insane paupers in D. C.For the support, clothing, and medical treatment of the insane paupers of the District of Columbia, four thousand dollars: Provided, That the amount paid for each person shall not exceed four dollars per week: And provided, further, That the marshal of the District of Columbia be, and he hereby is authorized to maintain at Baltimore or some other suitable lunatic asylum, all such lunatic persons being paupers, who are now confined in the lunatic asylum at Baltimore by order of Congress or are in the jails of Washington and Alexandria counties, and all such as may hereafter be committed as lunatics by order of the circuit or criminal courts, they being paupers of said District of Columbia, and their support being legally chargeable thereto; and that he pay the expenses of their removal and maintenance in such asylum as he may select, and be allowed for the same in the settlement of his accounts at the Treasury Department.

Light-house establishment.
Light-house Establishment.―For supplying light-houses, containing two thousand six hundred and seventy-one lamps, with oil, tube glasses, buff skins, whiting and cotton cloth, expenses of transportation, and for keeping the lighting apparatus in repair, one hundred thousand one hundred and seventy-three dollars and sixty-four cents.

Repairs.For repairs, incidental expenses, refitting, and improvements of light-houses, and buildings connected therewith, eighty-three thousand dollars.

Keepers.For salaries of two hundred and thirty-six keepers, and sixteen assistant keepers, of light-houses, (seventeen of them charged with double