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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 5.djvu/798

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and two with triple lights,) ninety-nine thousand three hundred and eighty-eight dollars and thirty cents.

Floating lights.For salaries of thirty keepers of floating lights, sixteen thousand dollars.

For seamen’s wages, repairs, and supplies of thirty floating lights, sixty-two thousand dollars.

Buoys, &c.For weighing, mooring, cleansing, repairing, and supplying the loss of beacons, buoys, chains, and sinkers, twenty-two thousand six hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty-seven cents.

Annual examination.For expenses incurred by superintendents in visiting their light-houses, annually, and examining and reporting the condition of each, two thousand dollars.

Superintendents’ commissions.
5th Auditor to superintend light-houses.
For superintendents’ commissions, at two and a half per centum, nine thousand six hundred and twenty-nine dollars and forty-five cents: Provided, That no superintendent or collector, or other officer acting as superintendent, whose compensation may exceed two thousand dollars per annum, shall receive any commissions allowed by this or any other act: And provided, further, That the fifth Auditor of the Treasury, shall continue to superintend the several matters and things connected with the light-houses, beacons, buoys, and public piers, as heretofore, of the United States, and to perform all the duties connected therewith, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, until otherwise ordered by law.

Assistant surveyor, &c. in Florida.
1844, ch. 105.
Surveys of Public Lands.―For salary of an assistant surveyor, to survey the private claims in Florida, under the direction and supervision of the surveyor general in Florida, in addition to the unexpended balance of the appropriation of the seventeenth June, eighteen hundred and forty-four, for the same object, one thousand dollars.

For pay of chain carriers, markers, transportation, provisions, &c., for the above, in addition to fifteen hundred dollars, the unexpended balance of the appropriation therefor, fifteen hundred dollars.

Assistant surveyor in Greensburg district, La.For salary of an assistant surveyor, to have charge and oversight of the resurveys in the Greensburg, (late St. Helena,) district, Louisiana, under the direction and supervision of the surveyor general in Louisiana, in addition to the unexpended balance of the former appropriation for the same object, one thousand dollars.

Surveys in Illinois and Missouri.For the correction of erroneous and defective surveys in Illinois and Missouri, at a rate not exceeding six dollars per mils, twelve hundred dollars.

Michigan.For the correction of erroneous and defective surveys in Michigan, at a rate not exceeding six dollars per mile, ten thousand dollars.

Alabama.For resurveys in Alabama, to supply the field notes destroyed with the office of the surveyor general by fire, in addition to a former appropriation for the same object, ten thousand dollars.

Arkansas.For the survey of small detached tracts in Arkansas, at a rate not exceeding six dollars per mile, sixteen hundred and fifty dollars.

Florida.For resurveys in Florida, to replace the field marks obliterated by Indians and other causes, two thousand dollars.

1842, ch. 258.
For surveying in Louisiana, as follows: at a rate not exceeding eight dollars per mile, for the correction of the surveys in the Greensburg district, under the act of twenty-ninth August, eighteen hundred and forty-two, including officer work, in addition to the unexpended balance of a former appropriation for the same object, eleven thousand six hundred and fifty dollars; at a rate not exceeding eight dollars per mile, for the correction of the surveys in the four other districts, including office work, twenty thousand dollars.

Surveying public lands.For surveying the public lands, in addition to the unexpended balance of former appropriations, to be apportioned to the several districts, according to the exigencies of the public service, exclusive of surveys at