PROCLAMATIONS, 1936 report correctly setting forth this information for the preceding 12- month period shall be filed annually with the Secretary on or before September 1. Inspection require- 5. A permittee shall at all reasonable hours allow any authorized ments. employee of the United States Department of Agriculture to enter and inspect the premises where operations are being carried on under this regulation and to inspect the books and records relating thereto. state pm 6. No permit issued by the Secretary authorizes the taking, pos- session, sale, purchase, exchange, or transportation of migratory water- fowl unless the permittee has in his possession while exercising any such privilege a valid, subsisting permit of equivalent tenor issued to imitations. him by the State in which he proposes to operate. Permits are not transferable and are revocable at any time in the discretion of the Secretary. A permit revoked by the Secretary shall be surrendered to him by the person to whom it was issued on demand of any em- ployee of the United States Department of Agriculture authorized to enforce the provisions of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Exceptions. 7. A person may possess and transport, subject to the provisions of paragraph 8 of this regulation, for his own use, without a permit, live migratory waterfowl now lawfully possessed or hereafter lawfully acquired by him, but he may not purchase or sell such waterfowl with- out a permit. A State or municipal game farm or city park may pos- sess, purchase, sell, and transport live migratory waterfowl without a permit, but no such waterfowl shall be purchased from or sold to a person (other than such State or municipal game farm or city park) unless he has a permit. Feathers of wild ducks and wild geese law- fully killed, and feathers of such birds seized and condemned by Fed- eral or State game authorities, may be possessed, bought, sold, and transported for use in making fishing flies, bed pillows, and mattresses, and for similar commercial purposes, but not for millinery or orna- mental purposes. Marking of pack- 8 . Every package in which migratory waterfowl or parts or eggs s thereof are transported by any means whatever from one State, Territory, or the District of Columbia to, into, or through another State, Territory, or the District of Columbia or to or from a foreign country shall be plainly and clearly marked or labeled on the outside thereof to show the name and address of the consignor and consignee, the contents of the package by number and kind, the number of the permit under authority of which it is transported, and the purpose for which the waterfowl or eggs are being transported. Every package in which migratory waterfowl or their eggs are shipped wholly within a State or Territory for propagating purposes shall be plainly and clearly marked or labeled on the outside thereof in the manner above prescribed. 9Sat.34 Regulation 9, "Permits to Collect Migratory Birds for Scientific Purposes", is amended to read as follows: sPermits fo collet. REGULATION 9.--PERMITS TO COLLECT MIGRATORY BIRDS FOR SCIENTIFIC PURPOSES tiofns c o llec- A person in possession of a valid, subsisting permit issued to him by a State, on its part, authorizing him to take therein migratory birds or their nests or eggs for scientific purposes may take such birds or their nests or eggs in such State for such purposes when authorized Requirement by a permit issued to him by the Secretary. Both permits shall be carried on his person when he is collecting migratory birds thereunder Restrictions and shall be exhibited to any person requesting to see them; but nothing herein shall be deemed to permit the taking of any migratory game bird during the open season therefor in any manner or by any