PROCLAMATIONS, 1936 means or at any time of day not permitted by regulations 3 and 4 of these regulations. Application for a permit shall be addressed to the Secretary of Agri- culture, Washington, D. C., and must state the name and address of the applicant, his age, the State or Territory in which specimens are proposed to be taken, the purpose for which they are intended, infor- mation sufficient to show that specimens permitted to be taken will be devoted to scientific purposes, and the names and addresses of at least two well-known ornithologists, principals or superintendents of educa- tional or zoological institutions, officials or members of zoological or natural history organizations, or instructors in zoology in high schools, colleges, or universities, from whom may be obtained information respecting the applicant's status as a scientific investigator. The applicant must furnish such other information touching his fitness to be entrusted with a permit as may be called for by the Secretary. A permit may limit the number and species of migratory birds or their nests or eggs that may be taken thereunder, and the places where, time when, and means by which they may be taken, and may authorize the holder thereof, when possessed of an equivalent State permit, to possess, buy, sell, exchange, and transport migratory birds and their nests and eggs for scientific purposes; or it may limit the holder to one or more of these privileges. Public museums, zoological parks and societies, and public scientific and educational institutions may possess, buy, sell, exchange, and transport migratory birds and their nests and eggs for scientific purposes, without a permit, but no speci- mens shall be taken without a permit or purchased from or exchanged with a person not authorized by a permit to sell or exchange them. The plumage and skins of migratory game birds legally taken may be possessed and transported by a person without a permit. A taxidermist, when authorized by a permit issued by the Secretary, may possess any migratory bird delivered to him for mounting or like preparation by any person who has lawfully taken or lawfully possesses such bird, and may transport such specimen in consummation of such purpose when likewise authorized by the State in which such permit- tee is operating. Every such permittee shall keep books and records correctly setting forth the name and address of each person delivering each specimen of migratory bird to him, together with the name of each species, the date of delivery, the disposition of each specimen, and the date thereof, and such books and records shall be available for inspection at all reasonable hours on request of any authorized repre- sentative of the Department of Agriculture. No permit issued by the Secretary authorizes the taking, possession, sale, purchase, exchange, or transportation of any migratory bird unless the permittee has in his possession while exercising any such privilege a valid, subsisting permit of equivalent tenor issued to him by the State in which he proposes to operate. Permits are not trans- ferable and are revocable at any time in the discretion of the Secretary. A permit revoked by the Secretary shall be surrendered to him by the person to whom issued, on demand of any employee of the United States Department of Agriculture authorized to enforce the provisions of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. A person holding a permit under this regulation shall report annually to the Secretary, on or before the 10th day of January, the number of birds or nests or eggs of each species taken, bought, sold, received, possessed, mounted, exchanged, or transported during the preceding 12 months, and failure to make such report will be cause for revocation of the permit. Every package in which migratory birds or their nests or eggs are transported by any means whatever for scientific purposes, from one State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, to, into, or through Applications for permits. Effect of permits. Taxidermists. Maintenance of books and records; In- spection. State permits. Marking of pack- ages. 1769