INDEX Canada: Halibut fishery of Northern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, convention with, for preservation of__ ---__ -- Income taxation, convention concern- ing._ ... .... ... ... ... ... .... .--- Sockeye salmon fisheries, convention concerning --------------------- Canal Dredging Company, jurisdiction conferred upon Court of Claims to hear claim of --------------------- Capitol Reef National Monument, Utah, lands set apart ----------------- Caramagno, Anthony, claim referred to district court-------------------- Caress, Orba, payment to------------- Carillo, Ciriado (Capt.), acceptance of for- eign decoration authorized --------- Carne, William C. (Capt.), refund to ---- Carney, Peter J., payment to------------ Carpenter, Frank W., annuity payment granted to--------------------- Carr, Henry H., jurisdiction conferred upon district court to hear claim of------- Carriere, H. G ., payment to------------ Carter, D. B ., payment to ------------- Cason, William Randolph, payment to_- _ Cattaneo, Angelo, deportation order can- celed---------------------- ---- Cattaneo, Auro, deportation order can- celed ----------------------- --- Causey, William I. (Comdr.), payment to- Cave, Richard L. (Maj.), credit allowed in accounts of -------------------- Cavey, Mary E., payment to --------- Charles T. Miller Hospital, Inc., payment to ----------------------------- Chattahoochee National Forest, Ga., lands set apart ------------------------ Cheadle, Henry B. (Lt. Col.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized ----- Chequamegon National Forest, Wis., boundaries modified -------------- Cherokee National Forest, Tenn., lands set apart.- -- ---
Chicago Great Western Railroad, labor dispute board created ----------- Chicco, Vincent, release of liability as surety on bond-------------------- Child Health Day, 1937, designation of__ - Chippewa National Forest, Minn., bound- aries modified------------------- Clagett, Joseph M., Jr., payment to----- Clark, Augustus D. (Lt.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized
Clark, Austin H., acceptance of foreign decoration authorized .------------ Clark Dredging Company, designated payee in Act for relief of Bowers Southern Dredging Co------------- Page 1351 1399 1355 952 1856 1097 1092 948 1044 1020 985 965 990 976 980 1013 1013 962 925 957 1030 1739 948 1806 1735 1812 1054 1826 1803 1037 948 986 1004 Clark, John E. T., credit allowed in postal accounts-________--____-_____- - Clark, Lewis, payment to- __ ___ __ -_ __- - Clark, Reed Paige, appropriation author- ized for payment to---- ----------- Claypool, George O., provisions of Em- ployees' Compensation Act extended to----------------------------- Clibourne, Mary E., release from liability of court judgment ---------------- Coast Fir and Cedar Products Company, Inc., payment to------------------ Coates, Robert, provisions of Employees' Page 1098 926 1000 1055 996 1003 Compensation Act extended to ----- 1066 Cockran, Anse, payment to------------- 980 Collie, J. R. and Eleanor Y., payment to__ 1041 Collins, Willard, payment to ---------- _ 1057 Colorado Culvert and Flume Company, adjustment of claim authorized ---- 927 Columbus Day, 1936, designation of ---- 1772 Comegys, E. T . (Maj.), credit allowed in accounts ------------
1044 Commercial Relations, agreements con- cerning, with Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ---------------- 1433, 1619 Concurrent Resolutions: Alaska, preparation of plan for develop- ing resources of---__ _ ------ - Army Day, April 6 of each year recog- nized as---------------------- Beadle, Gen. William Henry Harrison, acceptance of statue of, and thanks of Congress to South Dakota----- Bituminous Coal Act of 1937, correction in enrollment directed------- .. . . Bryan, William Jennings, proceedings on acceptance of statue of, ordered printed; thanks of Congress pre- sented to Nebraska -_- - -- - -_- Congress- Adjournment -_ -- ----- ----- - - Signing enrolled bills, etc., after -- Electoral votes, proceedings for count- ing of------------ Joint meeting of two Houses ------ 1113 1108 1112 1109 1110 1113 1113 1107 1107 Foreign decorations, etc., return of bill respecting acceptance of certain, requested; correction in reenroll- ment-------------------------- 1109 Hawaii, Joint Committee on, establish- ment; investigation and study of subject of statehood, etc--------- 1112 Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1938, correction in enrollment- 1110, 1111 Judicial branch of the Government, reorganization of, additional copies of hearings on, ordered printed---- 1109 Report, additional copies ordered printed---------------------- 1111 III