Concurrent Resolutions-Continued. Morton, J. Sterling, proceedings on acceptance of statue of, ordered printed; thanks of Congress pre- sented to Nebraska ----------- Perkins, Charles M., return of bill con- cerning, requested -------------- Correction in reenrollment -------- Revenue Act of 1936, additional copies ordered printed-------------- Star-route contracts, Postal Service, correction in enrollment of bill concerning ___---------------- Taxing Power of the Federal and State Governments, The, additional copies ordered printed _- -- --- -- -- -- -- Technological Trends and National Pol- icy, Including the Social Implica- tions of the New Inventions, addi- tional copies ordered printed ----- Virginia Dare, appointment of joint committee to represent Congress at 350th anniversary celebration ---- Conecuh National Forest, Ala., lands set apart-------------------------- Congress: Adjournment _ -------------------- Signing enrolled bills, etc., after -- -- Electoral votes, proceedings for counting_ Joint meeting of two Houses to receive communications from President -_ - Conroy, E. P., payment to------------- Conroy, Graham, payment to guardian of_ Consolidated Aircraft Corporation, pay- ment to ------------------------- Constitution, period set apart for com- memoration of 150th anniversary of- Conventions. See Treaties. Cook, James O., provisions of Employees' Compensation Act extended to ---- Coolidge, Grace G., pension granted to--- Cooper, Dexter P., payment to --------- Cordle, Otis, payment to guardian of---- Cornett, Sam, payment to ------------ Corr, Amelia, payment to-------------- Costa Rica, reciprocal trade agreement with -------------------------- Cotner, Wayne M., disability claim to be considered---------------------- Coulter, Charles Ray, payment to guard- ian of-------------------------- Country Hospital, Shanghai, China, pay- ment to__ .-----------
Coyle, James Philip, naval record cor- rected --------------------------- Crane, John A. (Lt. Col.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized- ---- Cripps, Samuel, payment to ---------- Croatan National Forest, N. C ., lands set apart-- ------------------------- Page 1110 1108 1109 1108 1111 1108 1112 1111 1754 1113 1113 1107 1107 961 961 1050 1840 106( 923 1059 1007 98( 93( 1582 106, 110( 954 1014 94; 99, 175 Cubero, Frank, provisions of Employees' Compensation Act extended to -- - - Cumberland National Forest, Ky., lands set apart ------------------------ Cunningham, Edwin, acceptance of foreign decoration authorized ----------- Cunningham, Edwin S., appropriation authorized for payment to --------- Cuno, R. G. (1st Lt.), payment to ------- Curteman, Claude, payment to __- - -_ _- - Curtis, Charles B., appropriation author- ized for payment to--------------- Customs Frauds, agreement with France for suppression of------------------ D I ) l i 8. 4 . - . . . , 925 1076 932 964 1103 948 961 1029 1028 1782 1823 1094 964 1025 1073 1079 937 948 1308 1090 1839 1087 948 INDEX IV Page 982 1818 1025 1001 988 1006 1000 1468 Dabney, Walter D. (Maj.), credit allowed in accounts of -------------------- Daley, Genevieve E., provisions of Em- ployees' Compensation Act extended to ---------------------------- Daley, Mary, payment to ------------ Damsted, C. H., claim for overtime labor submitted to Court of Claims ----- Danenhower, William W., payment to estate of----------------------- Danielson, Clarence H. (Lt. CoL), accept- ance of decoration from foreign gov- ernment authorized--------------- Dare, Virginia. See Virginia Dare. Dauwe, Frank, payment to------------ Davis, Celia E., payment to----------- Davis, W. D., authorization for filing damage suit in district court ------ Davy Crockett National Forest, Tex., lands set apart------------------------ Death Valley National Monument, Calif. and Nev., area enlarged------------ de Back, Minnie C., suit permitted against United States------------------- Degen, C. J., claim for overtime labor sub- mitted to Court of Claims -------- Deichman, Carl F., acceptance of foreign decoration authorized ------------- Delahanty, F. P . (Lt. Comdr.), credit al- lowed in accounts----------------- Delaware Bay Shipbuilding Company, Inc., claim referred to district court-- Del Pilar, Cesaria, payment to---------- Del Valle, Pedro A. (Lt. Col.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized ---- Denmark, extradition treaty with ----- Derby Oil Company, payment to------- Desecheo Island, conveyance of, to people of Puerto Rico ------------------ Devine, William A., payment to -------- DeWolfe, Robert R. (Lt., Jr. Gr.), accept- ance of foreign decoration authorized-