Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/372

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [55 STAT. the American Continent and is a subject of vital concern to the United States of America and also to the Kingdom of Denmark; and FOUR. Although the sovereign- ty of Denmark over Greenland is fully recognized, the present cir- cumstances for the time being prevent the Government in Den- mark from exercising its powers in respect of Greenland. THEREFORE, The undersigned, to wit: Cor- dell Hull, Secretary of State of the United States of America, acting on behalf of the Govern- ment of the United States of America, and Henrik de Kauff- mann, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of Denmark at Washington, acting on behalf of His Majesty the King of Den- mark in His capacity as sovereign of Greenland, whose authorities in Greenland have concurred herein, have agreed as follows: ARTICLE I The Government of the United States of America reiterates its recognition of and respect for the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Denmark over Greenland. Recog- nizing that as a result of the present European war there is danger that Greenland may be converted into a point of aggression against nations of the American Conti- nent, the Government of the United States of America, having in mind its obligations under the Act of Habana signed on July 30, 1940, [1] accepts the responsibility of assist- ing Greenland in the maintenance of its present status. ' [Executive Agreement Series 199.] amerikanske Kontinents Fred og Sikkerhed og er et Anliggende af vital Betydning saavel for Ameri- kas Forenede Stater som for Kongeriget Danmark; FIRE. Uanset at Danmarks Su- vermenitet over Gronland er fuld- tud anerkendt, forhindrer de nu- varende Forhold for Tiden Rege- ringen i Danmark i at udzve sin Myndighed; HVORFOR: De undertegnede, nemlig Cor- dell Hull, de Amerikanske Fore- nede Staters Statssekretzer, hand- lende paa de Amerikanske Fore- nede Staters Regerings Vegne, og Henrik Kauffmann, Hans Majes- tset Kongen af Danmarks over- ordentlige Gesandt og befuldmaeg- tigede Minister i Washington, handlende paa Hans Majestet Kongen af Danmarks Vegne i Dennes Egenskab af Suveren over Gr0nland, og med Indforstaaelse af Dennes Myndigheder i Gr0n- land, er blevet enige om f0lgende: ARTIKEL I De Amerikanske Forenede Sta- ters Regering bekrrefter paany, at den anerkender og respekterer Kongeriget Danmarks Suversenitet over Gr0nland. I Erkendelse af, at der som F0lge af den nuverende europseiske Krig er Fare for, at Gr0nland kan forvandles til et Udgangspunkt for Angreb imod det amerikanske Kontinents Na- tioner, og under Hensyntagen til de Forpligtelser, som paahviler de Amerikanske Forenede Staters Re- gering if0lge "The Act of Habana", underskrevet 30' Juli 1940, paa- tager de Amerikanske Forenede Staters Regering sig Ansvaret for at yde Gr0nland Bistand til Opret- holdelse af dets nuvaerende Status. Recognition of Dan- ish sovereignty. Assistance in main- tenance of present status. 54 Stat. 2491 . 1246