Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/373

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55 STAT.] DENMARK-DEFENSE OF GREENLAND-APR . 9,1941 ARTICLE II ARTIKEL II It is agreed that the Govern- ment of the United States of America shall have the right to construct, maintain and operate such landing fields, seaplane facili- ties and radio and meteorological installations as may be necessary for the accomplishment of the purposes set forth in Article I. Der er opnaaet Enighed om, at Amerikas Forenede Staters Rege- ring skal have Ret til at anlegge, opretholde og operere saadanne Landingspladser, Anleg for Hydro- planer, Radiostationer og metereo- logiske Installationer, som maatte vsere n0dvendige for Opnaaelse af de i Artikel I angivne Formaal. ARTICLE III ARTIKEL III The grants of the rights speci- fied in Article II shall also include the right to improve and deepen harbors and anchorages and the approaches thereto, to install aids to navigation by air and by water, and to construct roads, communi- cation services, fortifications, re- pair and storage facilities, and housing for personnel, and gener- ally, the right to do any and all things necessary to insure the efficient operation, maintenance and protection of such defense facilities as may be established. De i Artikel II indr0mmede Rettigheder skal ogsaa omfatte Ret til at forbedre og uddybe Havne og Ankerpladser og Anl0b dertil, til at installere Naviga- tions-Hjelpemidler for Sejlads og Luftfart og til at bygge Veje, Kommunikationsanlseg, Befsest- ninger, Vserksteder og Depoter, Boliger for Personnel, og i al Almindelighed Ret til at trseffe en hvilkensomhelst Foranstaltning, som er n0dvendig til Sikring af en effektiv Drift, Opretholdelse og Beskyttelse af saadanne Forsvars- anlaeg, som maatte blive eta- blerede. ARTICLE IV ARTIKEL IV The landing fields, seaplane, harbor and other defense facilities that may be constructed and operated by the Government of the United States of America under Articles II and III will be made available to the airplanes and vessels of all the American Nations for purposes connected with the common defense of the Western Hemisphere. ARTICLE V It is agreed that the Govern- ment of the United States of America shall have the right to De Landingspladser, Anleg for Hydroplaner, Havne- og andre Forsvarsanlweg, som de Amerikan- ske Forenede Staters Regering maatte anlsegge og operere i Hen- hold til Artiklerne II og III, vil, for Formaal, der staar i For- bindelse med det feelles Forsvar af den vestlige Hemisfsere, blive stillet til Disposition for alle amerikanske Nationers Flyvema- skiner og Skibe. ARTIKEL V Der er opnaaet Enighed om, at de Amerikanske Forenede Staters Regering, for det Tidsrum nmr- Construction, etc., of facilities. Improvement of harbors, etc. Construction of roads, etc. )efense facilities available to other Amerlcan Nations. Lease of land and water areas by United States. 1247