1361 58 STAT.] LIBERIA-PORT AND PORT WORKS-DEC. 31, 1943 The Liberian Secretary of State to the American Minister DEPARTMENT OF STATE MONROVIA, LrBIA. 175/D.F. 29th February,1944 MR. MINITEE, With reference to your letter No. 431 I have the honour to advise that the Liberian Government will have no objections to signing a Three Party Construction Contract between the Liberian Government, the Navy Department, and the Contractor for the proposed Port Works. In closing, I would like to intimate that it is desired that the pro- posed Port Works commence as early as possible as it would be ad- vantageous to start work during the Dry Season. Be pleased to accept, Mr. Minister, the renewed assurance of my high consideration. GABREu. L . DENNIS Secretary of State. His Excellency LEsTER A. WALTON American Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary American Legation, Monrovia