1362 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [58 STAT. March 23 and APrl 13, 194 Agreement between the United States of America and Guatemalarespecting [E. A. S. 412] the exchange of official publications. Effected by exchange of notes signed at Guatemala March 23 and April 13, 1944; effective March 23, 1944. The AmericanAmbassadorto the GuatemalanMinisterof ForeignAffairs EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA No. 109 Guatemala, March 23, 1944. EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to refer to Your Excellency's courteous note no. 3388 of March 13, 1944, [1] and to earlier correspondence regarding the exchange of official publications between the United States of America and Guatemala. It gives me great pleasure to inform Your Excellency that my Government will be glad to undertake an exchange of official pub- lications with the Government of Guatemala, which will be carried out in accordance with the following provisions: 1. The official exchange offices for the transmission of official publications shall be, on the part of the United States of America, the Smithsonian Institution; and, on the part of the Republic of Guatemala, the Tipografia Nacional. 2. The publications exchanged shall be received on behalf of the United States of America by the Library of Congress; and on behalf of the Republic of Guatemala by the Biblioteca Nacional de Guatemala. 3. The Government of the United States of America shall furnish regularly to the Government of the Republic of Guatemala one copy of each of the official publications enumerated in the Pot, p. 1364. annex entitled "List I"; and the Government of the Republic of Guatemala shall furnish regularly to the Government of the United States of America one copy of each of the official P 'p.Ia. publications enumerated in the annex entitled "List II". 4. Each Government shall furnish regularly to the other Govern- ment, without the necessity of subsequent negotiation, (a) one copy of any important publication that is not enumerated in "List I" or "List II" and which may be issued in the future by a department or other instrumentality of such Government, (b) one copy of any important publication that may be issued in the future by a department or other instrumentality of such Government which does not at present issue publications, and (c) one copy of any important publication that may be issued by a department or other instrumentality which may subse- quently be established by such Government. '[Not printed.]