Mar. 23, 1944 58 STAT.] GUATEMALA-EXCHANGE OF PUBLICATIONS- r. 13, 1944 1363 5. Neither Government shall be obliged by this agreement to furnish confidential publications, blank forms, or circular letters which are not of a public nature. 6. Each Government agrees to bear postal, railroad, steamship, and other charges arising in its own territory. 7. Each Government agrees to expedite shipments as far as possible. 8. This agreementshallnotbe understood to modify any agreement regarding the exchange of official publications in effect between a department or other instrumentality of one of the two Govern- ments and a department or other instrumentality of the other Government. If the Government of Guatemala is in accord with the foregoing text, my Government will, upon receipt of a correspondeing note from Your Excellency, consider the agreement concluded and in effect from March 23, 1944. Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration. BOAZ LONG. Annexes: 1/ "List I" of publications. 2/ "List II" of publications. His Excellency Licenciado don CARLOB SALAZAR, Ministerfor ForeignAffairs, Guatemala.