PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 361-JULY 30, 1947 under the Renegotiation Act and retained by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation or any of its subsidiaries, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation or the appropriate subsidiary shall reimburse this ertification of appropriation: Provided further, That the War Contracts Price amt.Adjustment Board or its duly authorized representatives shall certify the amount of any refunds to be made in pursuance hereof to the Secre- tary of the Treasury who shall make payment upon such certificate in lieu of any voucher which might otherwise be required, $7,500,000. FoREIGN FUNDS CONTROL Foreign funds control liquidation: For expenses necessary in carry- ing out the functions of the Secretary of the Treasury under sections 3 40Stat.2u.4 . and5 (b) of the Act of October 6,1917, as amended (50U. S.C. (App.) 3, and 50 U. S . C . (App.) 5 (b) (Supp., 1941)), and any proclama- tions, orders, regulations, or instructions issued thereunder; and in exercising fiscal, financial, banking, property-control, and related functions, authorized by law, administered by the Treasury Depart- ment, including personal services, printing and binding, and reim- bursement of any Federal Reserve Bank for printing and other expenditures, $275,000. A.c, p. 217. OFFIcE OF GENERAL COUNSEL Salaries and expenses, Office of Contract Settlement: For necessary expenses, including contract stenographic reporting services, to carry 1U^. . lo.- out the provisions of the Contract Settlement Act of 1944, $75,000. 125. Ante, .2 23 . BUREAU OF FEDERAL SUPPLY Strategic and critical materials: For necessary expenses in carrying out the provisions of the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling 60 Stat. 56. Act of July 23, 1946, including personal services in the District of U.S.. OS-Sh. Columbia; services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 60 Stat. 810. 1946 (Public Law 600); and printing and binding; $100,000,000, to be available until expended, and in addition thereto, contracts may be entered into for the purposes of said Act in an amount not in excess of Deposit ofproceeds. $75,000,000: Provided,That any funds received as proceeds from sale or other disposition of materials on account of the rotation of stocks under said Act shall be deposited to the credit, and be available for expenditure for the purposes, of this appropriation. WAR DEPARTMENT MILITARY AIVITIEs Aate, p.61. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR Damage claims: For the payment of claims for damage to or loss or destruction of property or personal injury or death adjusted and determined by the Secretary of War under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the settlement of claims for damage to or loss or destruction of property or personal injury or death caused by military personnel or civilian employees, or otherwise inci- dent to activities of the War Department or of the Army", approved 7Stat. 37. July 3, 1943 (31 U. S . C . 223b), as fully set forth in House Document Numbered 351, Eightieth Congress, $15,405.48. Damage claims: For the payment of claims for personal injury and damage to privately owned property, adjusted and determined by the Secretary of War under the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the prompt settlement of claims for damages occasioned by Army, Navy, [61 STAT.