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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/24

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Private Law

186 187 188 189 190 __.

191 192 ^._ 193.__ 194 195


196 ^__ 197 198 _-_ 199 200 _-_ 201 202 203


204 _ - . 205 _-206 207. - 208 - - 209 210 - - -


Sisters Bertha Pfeiffer and Elzbieta Zahinska. AN ACT For the relief of Sister Bertha Pfeiffer and Sister Elzbieta Zabinska Stefan and Irene Lenartowicz. AN ACT For the relief of Stefan Leiiartowicz and his wife, Irene Jan Josef, Irena, and Maria Wieckowski. AN ACT For the relief of Jan Josef Wieckowski and his wife and daughter William J. Drinkwine. AN ACT For the relief of William J. Drinkwine M. S. Szymczak. JOINT RESOLUTION To m a k e the restrictions of the Federal Reserve A c to n holding office in a member bank inapplicable to M. S. Szymczak when he ceases to be a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Mabel Monroe Bonds. AN ACT To authorize the sale of certain allotted land on the Blackfeet Reservation, M o n t a n a Z. D. Cilman Co., Inc. AN ACT For the relief of the Z. D. Gilman Company, Incorporated Howard Lovell. AN ACT For the relief of Howard Lovell Marie Louise Dewulf Maquet. AN ACT For the relief of Marie Louise Dewulf M a q u e t Thomas (7. Digges. AN ACT For the relief of T h o m a s G. Digges_ Teresa E. Dwyer. AN ACT For the relief of Teresa E. Dwyer_ Nicholas George Strangas. AN ACT For the relief of Nicholas George Strangas Elizabeth Jean Clarke. AN ACT For the relief of Elizabeth Jean Clarke Kiyoko and Chiyiko Ishigo. AN ACT For the relief of Kiyoko and Chiyiko Ishigo Wong Thew Hor. AN ACT For the relief of Wong Thew Hor_. Lefrancois and Chamberland, Inc. AN ACT For the relief of Lefrancois and Chamberland, Incorporated James J. Lieberman. AN ACT For the relief of J a m e s J. Lieberman ^ /. Alfred Pulliam. AN ACT For the relief of J. Alfred Pulliam John S. Downing. AN ACT For the relief of John S. D o w n i n g. Thomas 0. Fabinyi. AN ACT For the relief of T h o m a s G. Fabinyi Jane arid Martha Clark. AN ACT For the relief of J a n e and M a r t h a Clark Walter M. Smith. AN ACT For the relief of Walter M. S m i t h Dr. Lorna Wan-Hsi Feng. AN ACT For the relief of Doctor Lorna Wan-Hsi Feng Panagiota KoUntza Karkalatos. AN ACT For the relief of Panagiota Kolintza Karkalatos Mrs. Cora B. Jones. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Cora B.

Jones 211 _-- Mrs. Maud M. Wright and Mrs. Maxine Roberts. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. M a u d M. Wright and Mrs. Maxine Roberts, formerly Mrs. Maxine Mills 212 Shizu and Suenori Fujii. AN ACT For the relief of Shizu Fujii and her son, Suenori Fujii 213. - - K. C. Be and others. AN ACT For the relief of K. C. Be, Swannio Be, Wie Go Be, Wie Hwa Be, Wie Bhing Be, and Swie Tien B e - - 214 - - - Rev. Thomas K. Sewall. AN ACT For the relief of Reverend T h o m a s K. Sewall 215 Franz Furtner and others. AN ACT For the relief of Franz Furtner, his wife, Valentina Furtner, and her daughters, Nina Tuerck and Victoria Tuerck 21Q ^-, Roy F.Wilson. AN ACT For the relief of Roy F. Wilson 217.^^ George S.Paschke. AN ACT For the relief of George S. P a s c h k e. 218 -_- Maj. Bruce B. Calkins. AN ACT For the relief of Major Bruce B. Calkins 219 ^... Eric Adolf Lenze. AN ACT For the relief of Eric Adolf Lenze, 220 - - - Cecil Lennox Elliott. AN ACT For the relief of Cecil Lennox Elliott 221 __. Arthur Koestler. AN ACT For the relief of A r t h u r Koestler.-_ 222 Bernt Balchen. AN ACT To authorize the appointment of Bernt Balchen as a p e r m a n e n t colonel in the Regular Air Force



2, 1951



7, 1951



7, 1951



8, 1951 _.. _



9, 1951___


Aug. 11, 1951


Aug. 14, 1951 Aug. 14, 1951___

A74 A74

Aug. 14, 1951... _


Aug. 14, 1951 ^ _ _ A 7 5 Aug. 15, 1951 _ _ A75 Aug. 15, 1951


Aug. 15, 1951


Aug. 15, 1951 Aug. 15, 1951 __-

A76 A77

Aug. 15, 1951


Aug. 15, 1 9 5 U. _


Aug. 15, 1951.. Aug. 15, 1951. - -

A78 A78

Aug. 16, 1951 - - -


Aug. 16, 1951 - - Aug. 16, 1951-- -

A79 A79

Aug. 16, 1951 - - -


Aug. 16, 1951 —


Aug. 16, 1951. - A80 Aug. 16, 1951 - - -


Aug. 17, 1951 —


Aug. 17, 1951 - - -


Aug. 17, 1951 - - -


Aug. 17, 1951 - - Aug. 17, 1951 - - Aug. 17, 1951 - - -

A82 A82 A83

Aug. 20, 1951. - Aug. 22, 1951 - - -

A83 A84

Aug. 22, 1951 - - Aug. 23, 1951_-.

A84 A84

Aug. 27, 1951 - - -
