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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/25

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Sister Carmen Teva Ramos. AN ACT For the relief of Sister Carmen T e v a Ramos Arno Edvin Kolm. AN ACT For the relief of Arno Edviii K o l m. Ray R. Murdoch. AN ACT To suspend until August 15, 1951, the application of certain Federal laws with respect to an a t to r n e y employed by the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare_• .. Aliens, admission for permanent residence of certain. AN ACT To record the lawful admission for p e r m a n e n t residence of certain aliens Dr. Isac C. Goldstein. AN AC'T For the relief of Doctor Isac C. Goldstein Gerhard H. A. Anton Bebr. AN ACT For the relief of Gerhard H. A. Anton Bebr Ellsworth Sc.hroeder. AN ACT To authorize the sale of certain allotted land on the Crow Reservation, M o n t a n a Lucille Ellen Sanders Groh. AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to issue a p a t e n t in fee to Lucille Ellen Sanders Groh Julia Jackson Sanders. AN AC'T Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to issue a p a t e n t in foe to Julia Jackson Sanders Julia Jackson Sanders. AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to issue a p a t e n t in fee to Julia Jackson Sanders E. C. Browder and Charles Keylon. AN ACT For the relief of E. C. Browder and Charles Keylon Harold Frederick D. Wolfgramm. AN ACT For the relief of Harold Frederick D. Wolfgramm Riith Alice Craivshaw. AN ACT For the relief of R u t h Alice Crawshaw _ Ivan Herben and others. AN ACT For the relief of Ivan Herben, his wife, son, and daughter-in-law Salomon Henri Laifer. AN ACT For the relief of Salomon Henri Laifer Sidney Young Hughes. AN ACT For the relief of Sidney Young Hughes.._• Wilcox Electric Co., Inc. AN ACT For the relief of Wilcox Electric Company, Incorporated -. Isabel Tabit. AN ACT For the relief of Isabel T a b i t Mrs. Tjitske Bandstra Van Der Velde. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Tjitske B and s t r a Van Der Velde Mrs. Shizuko Yamane. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Shizuko Yamane George Crisan. AN ACT For the relief of George Crisan Hoshi Kazuo. AN ACT For the relief of Hoshi Kazuo Sisters M. Crocefissa and M. Reginalda. AN ACT For the relief of Sister M. Crocefissa and Sister M. Reginalda Sister M.Leonida. AN ACT For the relief of Sister M. L e o n i d a. Ilona Agoston. AN ACT For the relief of Ilona Agoston Jai Young Lee. AN ACT For the relief of Jai Young Lee Maria Theresa Stancola. AN ACT For the relief of Maria Theresa Stancola Thomas Alva Raphael (Richards). AN ACT For the relief of T h o m a s Alva Raphael (Richards) Irene Senutovitch. AN ACT For the relief of Irene SeuutovitchAnn Elisabeth Reingruber. AN ACT For the relief of Ann PJlisabeth (Diana PJlizabeth) Reingruber Shozo Ichiwawa. AN ACT For the relief of Shozo Ichiwawa.. Dr. George Alexandras Chronakis. AN ACT For the relief of Doctor George Alexandros Chronakis Herv6 J. L'Heureux. AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of State to continue Herv<S J. L'Heureux to serve as Chief of the Visa Division for an additional year commencing September 1, 1951 . Antonios Charalambou. AN ACT For the relief of Antonios Charalambou -. Willem Smits. AN ACT For the relief of Willem Smits .. Mrs. Rose A. Mongrain. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Rose A. Mongrain .. ... Kiyoko Matsuo. AN ACT For the relief of Kiyoko M a t s u o.. _ Mary Jane Sherman. AN ACT For the relief of M a r y J a n e Sherman Rosita Anita and Ramona Alicia Navarro. AN ACT For the relief of Rosita Anita Navarro and R a m o n a Alicia N a v a r r o..

Aug. 28, 1951 Aug. 28, 1951 _._

Aug. 28, 1951 _ _ _ Aug. 29, 1951 Aug. 29, 1951 _ _ _ Aug. 29, 1951,. ^ Aug. 29, 1951

A85 A85

A86 A86 A86 A87 A87

Aug. 29, 1951_.-.


Aug. 29, 1951


Aug. 29, 1951


Aug. 29, 1951


Aug. 29, 1951___


Aug. 30, 1951. _ _


Aug. 30, 1951


Aug. 30, 1951. - -


Aug. 30, 1951. - .


Aug. 30, 1951 Sept. 13, 1951...

A92 A92

Sept. 13, 1951...


Sept. 13, 1951 - - . Sept. 13, 1951.. _ Sept. 13, 1951.. _

A93 A93 A93

Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept.

1951... 1951.-1951--1951-..

A93 A94 A94 A94

Sept. 13, 1951. - .


Sept. 13, 1951 Sept. 13, 1951 - - -

A95 A95

Sept. 13, 1951 - - Sept. 13, 1951...

A96 A96

Sept. 13, 1951


Sept. 13, 1951 - - -


Sept. 15, 1951 Sept. 18, 1951.. -

A97 A97

Sept. 22, 1951... Sept. 25, 1951...

A97 A98

Sept. 25, 1951...


Sept. 26, 1951 —


13, 13, 13, 13,