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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/28

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Private Law

342 --- Mr. and Mrs. Miroslav Kudrat.


AN ACT For the relief of Mr.

and Mrs. Miroslav K u d r a t 343 --- Franz Geyling. AN ACT For the relief of Franz Geyling Jack Warner and family. AN ACT For the relief of Jack Warner 344.-. and family Helena Jange Chinn. AN ACT For the relief of Helena Jange 345 --Chinn Konstontios N. Bellas. AN ACT For the relief of Konstontios 346 --N. Bellos Hye Pah Kung. AN ACT For the relief of H y e P a h K u n g 347 --- Joji Ikeda. AN ACT For the relief of Joji Ikeda, a minor AN ACT For the relief of Mario D i F i l i p p o 348 --- Mario DiFilippo. 349 --_ Arthur E. Hacketi. AN ACT For the relief of A r t h u r E. H a c k e t t AN ACT For the relief of Yumi Horiuchi 350.-- Yumi Horiuchi. 351 --- Jennie Gayle, estate. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of Jennie Gayle, deceased 352.-353 --- Lewyt Corp. AN ACT For the relief of Lewyt Corporation 354 --- Moy Chin Shee. AN ACT For the relief of Moy Chin Shee 355 --- Emma Burr. AN ACT For the relief of E m m a B u r r 356 --- Dr. Charles Gordon Rennick Sell. AN ACT For the relief of Doctor Charles Gordon Rennick Sell 357 _-- Vera Oumancoff. AN ACT For the relief of Vera Oumancoff_358 --- Cathy Dana Besser. AN ACT For the relief of C a t h y D a n a Besser359 --- Louis E. Gabel. AN ACT For the relief of Louis E. Gabel AN ACT For the relief of R h o d a 360 _-_ Rhoda Akiko Nishiyama. Akiko Nishiyama 361 --- Fanny Tsihrintge Papan. AN ACT For the relief of F a n n y Tsihrintge P a p a n 362 --- Margaret K. N. Miller. AN ACT For the relief of Margaret K. N. Miller -_363 --- N. II. Kelley and others. AN ACT For the relief of N. H. Kelley, Bernice Kelley, Clyde D. F a r q u h a r, and Gladys F a r q u h a r AN ACT For the relief of Jesus J u a n 364 --. Jesus Juan Llnnderal. Llanderal 365 --- Hans Lenk. AN ACT For the relief of H a n s Lenk 366 --- Alice Ibrahim, Hannan Ibrahim and others. AN ACT For the relief of Alice I b r a h i m H a n n a n Ibrahim, Pollen Issa Zakaria, R u t h Naomi Schut, and Roseileen Schut 367 --- Laura A. Craig. AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to issue a p a t e n t in fee to Laura A. Craig 368 --- Joseph F. Carroll. AN ACT To authorize the appointment of Joseph F. Carroll as a p e r m a n e n t colonel in the Regular Air Force 369 --- Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Deane. AN ACT For the relief of M r. and Mrs. Richard E. Deane 370 _-- Louis W. Milliken. AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to issue a p a t e n t in fee to Louis W. Milliken 371 --- Ursula Rutherford Ollinger. AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to issue a p a t e n t in fee to Ursula Rutherford Ollinger 372 --- Mary Rutherford Spearson. AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to issue a p a t e n t in fee to M a r y Rutherford Spearson - . 373 --_ William Lund Main. AN ACT For the relief of William L u n d Main 374 --- Dr. Anthony M. Opisso.' AN ACT For the relief of Doctor Anthony M. Opisso 375 --- Patricia Ann Eddings. AN ACT For the relief of Patricia Ann Eddings 376 --. Nouhad Ann Khoury. AN ACT For the relief of N o u h a d Ann Khoury 377 --- Robert Jose Toribio. AN ACT For the relief of Robert Jose Toribio 378 --_ Fumiko Theresa Shibata. AN ACT For the relief of Fumiko Theresa Shibata 379 --- Myrtle Harding. AN ACT For the relief of Myrtle H a r d i n g - - Joyce Jacqualyn Johnson. AN ACT For the relief of Joyce 380 -.Jacqualyn Johnson Adelheid Wichman. AN ACT For the relief of Adelheid Wich381 --_ man (now Adelheid Waitschies) Sharon A. Gates. AN ACT For the relief of Sharon A. G a t e s - 382 --. Leo Kieve. AN ACT For the relief of Leo Kieve

383 ---


Oct. Oct.

1951--- Al27 1951--- A128

Oct. 20 1951---


Oct. 20, 1951-.-


Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct.

22 22 22 23 24 24


Al28 Al29 Al29 Al29 Al30 A130

Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct.

24 24 25 25


Al30 Al31 Al31 Al32

Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct.

25 25 25 25


Al32 A132 Al32 Al33

Oct. 25, 1951-.-


Oct. 25 1951-.-


Oct. 25 1951---


Oct. 26, 1951---


Oct. 26 1951--Oct. 26 1951---

Al35 Al35

Oct. 26 1951---


Oct. 26, 195L -- Al36 Oct. 26, 1951---


Oct. 27 1951---


Oct. 27 1951---


Oct. 27 1951


Oct. 27 1951---


Oct. 27 1951- -


Oct. 29 1951---


Oct. 29 1951---


Oct. 29 1951---


Oct. 29 1951..-


Oct. 29 1951--Oct. 29 1951---

Al39 A140

Oct. 29 1951---


Oct. 29 1951--- A140 Oct. 29 1951--- A141 Oct. 29 1951--- A141