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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/27

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Private Law


302 SOS.,. 304 - . 305 306 307 - - . 308 - - 309 310 311 - - 312 313 _ - 314 _. 315 - - 316 317 _ - 318 319 _-320 321

322. - . 323 324


325... 326 327 328 329 _ - 330 331 _.. 332 - - 333--334

335 336. _ 33? — 338 — SS%.^. 340.-SA\...

Janet and Daisy Wong. AN ACT To provide for the admission of J a n e t and Daisy Wong to the United States Emilio Torres. AN ACT For the relief of Emilio Torres ._ Sister Natalie {Marie Palagyi) and Sister Alice {Elizabeth Slachta). AN ACT For the relief of Sister NataUe (Marie Palagyi) and Sister AHce (EUzabeth Slachta) Dr. Eugen Jose Singer and Mrs. Frieda Singer. AN ACT For the relief of Doctor Eugen Jose Singer and Mrs. Frieda Singer Shoemon Takano. AN ACT For the relief of Shoemon T a k a n o. Hego Fuchino. AN ACT For the relief of Hego Fuchino Matthew Terry. AN ACT For the relief of M a t the w Terry James A. Vines. AN ACT For the relief of James A. Vines Marianne and Michel Speehnan. AN ACT For the relief of Mariaime and Michel Speelman Mrs. Giulia Di Gaetano Coccia. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Giulia Di Gaetano Coccia Stanislaw Poborski. AN ACT For the relief of Stanislaw Poborski Shizu Terauchi Parks. AN ACT For the relief of Shizu Terauchi Parks-- - .Ethel Cristeta Berner. AN ACT For the relief of Ethel Cristeta Berner Jack A. Witham. AN ACT For the relief of Jack A. W i t h a m.. Joseph A. Ferrari. AN ACT For the relief of Joseph A. FerrariElaine Dovico. AN ACT For the relief of Elaine Dovico Sister Monica Grant. AN ACT For the relief of Sister Monica Grant Georgette Sato. AN ACT For the relief of Georgette Sato Mrs. Aimee Hoyningen-Huene. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Aimee Hoyningen-Huene Hanoh, Gizela, and Philippe Sarapanovschi. AN ACT For the relief of H a n o h Sarapanovschi (also known as H a n o h Charat), Gizela (Gizele) Sarapanovschi (nee Levy) and Philippe Sarapanovschi Rafael Alemany. AN ACT For the relief of Rafael A l e m any. George Francis Hammers. AN ACT For the relief of George Francis H a m m e r s Wladimir Peter Lewicki and others. AN ACT For the relief of Wladimir Peter Lewicki, Mrs. Heedwige I^ewicki, and George Wladimir Lewicki . Mrs. Doris Ellen Young. AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Doris Ellen Y o u n g. Inooka Kazumi. AN ACT For the relief of Inooka K a z u m i.. Akiko Mitsuhata. AN ACT For the relief of Akiko Mitsuhata-. Peter Therkelsen and Ernest O'Gorman Kirwan. AN ACT For the relief of Peter Therkelsen Kirwan and Ernest O'Gorman Kirwan Heinz Harald Patterson. AN ACT For the relief of Heinz Harald Patterson Tina Bentsen. AN ACT To effect entry of a minor child adopted or to be adopted by a United States citizen John R. Willoughby. AN ACT For the relief of John R. Willoughby .' Elizabeth Bozsik. AN ACT For the relief of EUzabeth B o z s i k.. Nison Miller. AN ACT For the relief of Nison Miller Preston L. Watson. AN ACT To confer jurisdiction on the Court of Claims to hear, determine, adjudicate, and render j u d g m e n t on the claim of Preston L. Watson, as administrator of the goods and chattels, rights, and credits which were of Robert A. Watson, deceased Siegfried Oberdorfer. AN ACT Conferring United States citizenship posthumously upon Siegfried Oberdorfer Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Adams. AN ACT For the relief of Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Adams and legal guardian of Dorothy Margaret Adams Mrs. Ann R. Norton and estate of Nora B. Kennedy. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of Nora B. Kennedy, deceased, and Mrs. Ann R. Norton Jake Jones, estate. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of J a k e Jones, deceased Charles Cooper. AN ACT For the relief of Charles Cooper Luisa Monti. AN ACT For the relief of Luisa Monti Eugenia Bellini. AN ACT For the relief of Eugenio Bellini


Oct. 10, 1951 A113 Oct. 10, 1951 - . - A 1 1 3 Oct. 10, 1951...

A 113

Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct.

All4 A114

10, 10, 10, 10, 10,


A114 A115 A115

Oct. 10, 1951--- A 1 1 6 Oct. 10, 1951--. A 1 1 6 Oct. 10, 1951--- A 1 1 6 Oct. 10, 1951.-- A 1 1 7 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct.

10, 10, 10, 10,

1951--1951--1951; -1951---


All? A118 A118

Oct. 11, 1951 __- All9 Oct. 11, 1951--- All9 Oct. 11, 1951


Oct. 11, 1951 A120 Oct. 11, 1951 - . - A 1 2 0 Oct. 11, 1951


Oct. 11, 1951 - - . A 1 2 1 Oct. 11, 1951... A 1 2 1 Oct. 12, 1951... A 1 2 1 Oct. 15, 1951... A 1 2 2 Oct. 15, 1951.-- A 1 2 2 Oct. 15, 1951... A 1 2 2 Oct. 15, 1951... A 1 2 3 Oct. 16, 1951... A 1 2 3 Oct. 16, 1951--- A 1 2 3 Oct. 16, 1951--- A 1 2 3

Oct. 18, 1951 - - - A 1 2 4 Oct. 18, 1951


Oct. 18, 1951 - . - A 1 2 5 Oct. 19, 1951 - - - A 1 2 5 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct.

19, 1951 20, 1951_-_ 20, 1951--. 20, 1951-..

A126 A126 A127 A127