590 CONVENTION WITH WURTTEMBURG. 1844. of the same at their pleasure, paying such duties only as the inhabitants of the country where the said property lies, shall be liable to pay in like cases. ARTICLE 1V. rmpm-ty of In case of the absence of the heirs, the same care shall be taken, pro. •b¤¤¤* h¤i¤ *0 visionally, of such real or personal property, as would be taken in a like zi? °°k°“ °"° case of property belonging to the natives of the country until the lawful ` owner, or the person who has a right to sell the same according to Article 2, may take measures to receive or dispose of the inheritance. ARTICLE V. Di. um go bg If any dispute should arise between different claimants to the same decided by the inheritance, they shall be decided, in the last resort, according to the l°°°l l°w°* laws, and by the judges of the country where the property is situated. ARTICLE VI. Property not All the stipulations of the present Convention shall be obligatory in Y¤¤bW¤h ¤”¤W¤ respect to property already inherited or bequeathed, but not yet with- °m "°°d' drawn from the country where the same is situated at the signature of this Convention. ARTICLE VII. Convention This Convention is concluded sub`ect to the ratification of the Presi- . . . . J ¤¤bJ¤~=¢ ¢<> rmi- dent of the United States of America, by &.with the advice and consent °°"°"· M" of their Senate, and of His Majesty the King of Wurttemburg, and the ratifications thereof shall be exchanged at Berlin, within the term of twelve months from the date of the signature hereof, or sooner if possible. In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the above articles, as well in English as in German, and have thereto affixed their seals. Done in triplicata, in the city of Berlin, on the tenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred &. forty-four, in the 68th year of the Independence of the United States of America, and the twenty- eighth of the reign of His Majesty the King of Wurttemberg. HENRY WHEATON, (L. s.)
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