112 TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rss. 14. 1846. N .14. —-AR lf Zatingtlz Pfng0fC'mt d t bl'/f July 23,1346_ [ 0 ] eso u wncrfggmsauoncqf Fg;] mc mmérress, an es a is zngtlw Regulations for Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives ¢y" the United {hh; 1;:;*;**:% sg; States of America in Congress ossembled, That, from and alter the pas. of Congress. sage of this resolution, the printing of the two houses of Congress shall be subject to the following regulations: When any message, report, or document, communicated to both houses of Congress, shall be ordered to be printed by the Senate, the secretary shall ascertain whether the same has been previously ordered to be printed by the House of Representatives· and if so, the copies ordered by the Senate shall be supplied by this printer to the House of Representatives, for which there shall be no charge for composition; and if any such message, report, or document, shall be ordered to be printed by the House of Representatives, it shall be the dut of the clerk to ascertain whether the same . Y . . has been previously ordered to be printed by the Senate; and ifso, the copies ordered by the House shall be furnished by the printer to the Senate, and no charge for composition shall be allowed therefor; an [and] should an additionalnumber of copies of any such document be ordered by either house, they shall be furnished by the printer to the house which first ordered the printing of the document, and for which no compensation for composition shall be allowed ; Prvviag, d<¤¤¤· Provided, however, That if; for the purpose of despatch, or any other Ejzwbeeitpgsg cause, it shall be necessary to fulfil any order for printing, of either ed may again ae house, of any document which had been previously ordered to be P“" En ‘YP° m printed, the committee on contingent expenses of the house making certain cases h d . h . sup for er may lpirlpct t at such (l(;Ol1II18l§ltlf)t?i)HgHi\lH corinposgdalor pst IH 0 ype; in w ic case composi ion s a e c arge an a owe . And from the commencement of the present session of Congress all Rm of com. printing ordered by either house of Congress, where the number of p<·=¤S=¤ti<>¤- copies do not exceed five thousand shall be paid for at a rate of compensation not exceeding twenty per centum less than the rates fixed and established by the joint resolution of eighteen hundred and nineteen; and when the number of copies shall exceed five thousand, the compensation shall not exceed thirty-three and one-third per centum less than the rates allowed by the said joint resolution of eighteen hundred and nineteen. And when the committee on contingent expenses of eitherhotise shall direct a second composition, to execute any order for printing, the printing shall be done by the printer to the hrmsw mags arpd house making such order; and when any order for printing requires
d_““‘Y °°maps or charts, thesame shall be obtained under the direction of the
committee on contingent expenses of the house making such order; and all expenses for printing shall be paid from the contingent fund of _ m osi ion, w 10 s a epai y e ouse Z*L'§S`2'§sh3E§ZZSZ““$`r Bar; ’*§"l“g if as £'ii“lI`g °*S€L"‘llS" T which first ordered the document or paper to be printed; and if thlpre shall be a second composition, it shall be paid for by the house 'Hxpe¤5g5 {0,- w ose committee on contingent expenses shall authorize and direct g;¤£¤¤gy bw the same; and when extra copies of any document shall be ordered by both houses', and the same are executed by the same printer, the copies' shall be delivered to the two houses simultaneously, in proportion to the whlole number of copies which the houses have respectively or ere . Approved, July 23, 1846. `