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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/139

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TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rss. 15, 16. 1846. lll! [No. 15.] —-A Resolution authorizing the Sale of certain Land at Baton Rouge tv ·l¤l>' 23; w‘l6· the State of Louisuma. ’“°`“"`“"""""" Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Secretary of States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Wat :V°' |{‘“;’;’£'$_‘}. be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered to sell and convey fouzgim, Cem,,,, (for the use and benefit of the State of Louisiana) to the three com- land vw B¤¢§>¤ missioners appointed by the Legislature of said State to select a site g‘;“§;t;°{0:_:l° on which to erect a State house, two or or more acres of the tract of land owned by the United States, lying in the parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, above and adjoining the town of Baton Rouge: Provided, That, in the judgment of the President of the United States, said sale may be made without detriment to the public interest. Arnnoven, July 23, 1846. No. 16. —Jmn¢ Resolution daredimr the Mauna o acura the Prinlin or Aw- 3. W46- [ 1 tlwtwo Hguscsqf ng of """*"" rtesulved by the Senate and House 4y"Rep1-esentatives of the United S•=<=r¤w7 <>f States of America in Congress assembled, That the secretary of the Eflyzfugsdtsliif Senate and the clerk of the House of Representatives be, and they venue for pm are hereby, authorized and required, at the beginning of the final P°”l’ *`°' P"" session of every Congress, to advertise, for four weeks successively, in mg' all the newspapers published in the city of Waslrington, for sealed proposals for supplying the Senate and House of Representatives, respectively, of the next ensuing Congress, with the necessary printing for each; which advertisement shall describe the kind of printing wm the nd. and the quality of paper required, as near as may be, in the execution v¢rii¤?¤¤¢¤¢ SMU of the work; and said advertisement shall divide and classify the °°"°"°' printing of the respective houses, as follows: One of bills and resolutions; one of reports of committees; one of journals; one of executive documents; and one for every other description of printing ; each class to be a separate job, and to be provided for by separate contract. The said advertisement shall also contain a designation of the place in the said city of Washington where such sealed proposals shall be received, and the day and time of day at which said secretary and clerk will cease to receive any further proposals. And the secretary and clerk aforesaid shall provide suitable samples of the printing $anzptes of the required, and of the paper on which the same is to be executed, to be f:";:? ’f§;‘;s°&g kept at the place so designated as aforesaid at least twenty days suc- and gghigjwi cessirely before the time of receiving proposals shall expire, open to the inspection of all persons desiring to make proposals for the printing aforesaid, intelligence whereof shall be contained in said advertisement. Immediately on the expiration of the time for receiving When and bow said proposals, they shall be opened by the secretary and clerk afore- **1* said in the presence of the Vice-President, or President of the Sen- Pu ate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and of such persons making proposals as may wish to be present. And the sec- gui; cm, 0;- retary of the Senate, under the supervision of the Vice-President or P¤'i¤*i¤z ¤> b¢ M President of the Senate, and the clerk of the House of Representa- §fdd£'°&cl°°"°°l tives, under the supervision of the Speaker, shall, thereupon, let each I class of said printing to the lowest bidder, who shall furnish satisfactory evidence of his practical skill and his ability to do the work, and who shall offer good and sufficient security for the faithful execution of the jobs and contracts undertaken by him. And thereupon the ponds nndsuli Vicc·President or President of the Senate and its secretary, and the g:’f:;e'f°““tY°° V01.. IX. PUn.— 15 i