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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/142

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116 TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rss. 24. 1846. mined by pur· some suitable person to ascertain and report to the said Commissioner $£‘;S°’Sl&‘;S ct; of the General Land Ofhce the B.1u0¤D£ of damages Sustained by the Mich;g,,,_ respective purchasers of public lands in township one south, range seven east, in the State of Michigan, (or by their respective assignees and legal representatives,) by,, or in consequence ol, the erroneous O; fraudulent surveys of said township, or of the imperfect or false returns thereof; and it shall be the duty of such person so employedto proceed to such township, and, upon view of the premises, and upon hearing the proofs of the parties in interest, to estimate and ascertain said damages, and to report his opinion and decision thereon specifying in his said report each individual case, and the facts and reasons upon which his opinion may be founded. Apmovsn, August 10, 1846,